Sunday, 19 June 2011

Rashi Pandeka Kathaharu (राशि पाण्डेका कथाहरू)

निकाह (कथा), राशि पाण्डे
राशि पाण्डे, चावहिल, मिर्मिरेटोल, काठमाडौं ७,
इमेलः चबकजष्उबलमभ२जयतmबष्।िअयm
अब्व्दुल अस्पताल भर्ना भएकोे थियो । रजिया दुई महिनादेखि दिनरात उसको सेवामा खटिरहेकी थिई । आफ्नो जिल्लामा उपचार हुन नसकेपछि ऊ राजधानीको यस सुविधासम्पत्र अस्पतालमा थप उपचारका लागि आएको थियो ।
बिरामीको हेरबिचार गर्न उसकी औरत१ रजिया पनि सँगै आएकीले केही महगो भए तापनि क्याविन मै बस्ने निधो गरेको थियो अब्दुलले । बिरानो ठाउँ, आफ्नो जात, विरादरी२को कोही चिनेका मानिसहरू थिएनन् । डाक्टरसँग सल्लाह गर्ने, औषधि कित्रे, एक्स–रे गराउने, रिपोर्ट ल्याउने अनि रातभरि जागेर बिरामी रुँग्ने सबै काम रजिया आफैँ गर्दथी । ऊ दिनरात केही नभनी लोग्नेको स्याहारसुसारमा तल्लिन थिई । राजधानी बसेर पढ्ने, व्यापार गर्ने वा जागिर खाने गाउँतिरका मानिसहरू पनि कहिलेकाहीँ सञ्चोबिसन्चो सोध्न आउँने गर्दथे ।
रजिया लोग्नेको गोडानिर बसेर पैताला सुम्सुमाई रहेकी थिर्ई, कतिबेला आँखा झिमिक्क भएछ हाँेसै पाइन । जब ऊ झल्याँस्स भई । आँखा खुल्दा ओच्छानभरि, कपडामा, अब्दुलको जीउभरि रगतैरगत थियो । ऊ आत्तिएर रुन थाली । नर्सहरू दौडिएर आए, ड््युटिको डाक्टरलाई पनि बोलाइयो ।
बिरामी निदाएको बेला छटपटाएर, सलाइन् दिएको निडल थुतिएर रगत बगेको रहेछ, “आत्तिनु पर्दैन, केही हुत्र” नर्स र डाक्टरले आश्वासन दिँदा पनि रजियाको आँसु थामिएन् । ऊ आफूलाई धिक्कार्न थाली, कोस्न३ लागी । आफूबाट भएको गल्तीका लागि अल्लाह४सँग माफी मागी, घुँडा टेकेर धरतीलाई ढोक्दै आफ्नो गल्तीमा पश्चात्ताप गरी । अनि मक्काको काबा५तर्फ मुख फर्काएर कलमा६ पढ्न, प्रार्थना गर्न थाली –ला इलाही इल्लिल्लाहो, मोहम्मदुर रसुलल्लुह७ । उसले अब्दुललाई चाँडै बिसेक गरिदिन अल्लाहसँग दुआ८ मागी ।
रजियाको आलापविलाप सुनेर अब्दुलका पनि आँखा रसाए । उसले आँखाभरि आँसु गरेर सम्झाउने कोसिस ग¥यो – अर्रहमनिर रहिम९ ! नरोऊ, तिम्रो गल्तीले गर्दा यसो भएको होइन, म आफैले बिराएर हो । सलाइन दिएको ठाउँबाट अलिकति रगत मात्र बगेको छ, यति रगत बगेर केही हुत्र । आफ्नो सानो गल्तीले बिरामीको शरीरबाट त्यति रगत बग्यो, रजियाको रुवाई रोकिदैँ रोकिएको थिएन ।
अब्दुलले रजिया तिर हे¥यो– ऊ धेरै दिनको अनिदोले बिरामीजस्ती देखिई । गाउँमा बूढा आमाबुआ मात्र, जात्रेसुत्रे इष्टमित्रहरू सबै कमाइका लागि विदेश गएकोले आफन्तहरूमध्ये केही पढेलेखेकी उही रजियामात्र थिई । अनि उसैलाई साथीको रूपमा लिएर काठमाडौँ लैजाने घरसल्लाह भएको थियो ।
गोडा मिचिरहेकी रजिया अति माया लाग्दी देखिएकी थिई । ‘यसलाई बिहा गरेर मैले पापै गरेछँु, अल्लाहले मलाई माफ गर्ने छैनन्’, अब्दुल मनमनै सोच्न थाल्यो र आफूले बिहेका लागि स्वीकृति दिएकोमा पश्चात्ताप गर्न लाग्यो ।
उनीहरूको बिहा भएको पनि ६ महिनाभन्दा बढी भइसकेको थियो । रजिया दुलही बनेर आएपछि, गाउँघरमा सबैकी चहेती१० बनेकी थिई । सबैसँग हाँसेर बोल्दथी, सबैलाई सकेसम्म सहयोग गर्दथी । मदरसा इस्लामिया११मा पढ्ने केटाकेटीहरूलाई ऊ अरबी भाषामा लिखित पवित्र ग्रन्थ कुरान सिकाउँथी । सरकारी स्कुलमा पढ्नेहरूलाई अङ्ग्रेजी र हिसाब गर्न मद्दत गर्दँथी । आइमाई बूढीहरूलाई इस्लामिक धार्मिक गीत मिलाद१२ सुनाउने गर्थी । के केटाकेटी, के बुढाबुढी सबैले रजियालाई मन पराएका थिए ।
अब्दुलको परिवार गाउँभरिमा सम्पत्र थियो । दसदस विघा जग्गा थियो, गोठभरि गाईभैँसीहरू थिए, किराना पसल थियो । अब्दुल घरको एक्लो छोरो, उसका दुई बहिनीहरू बिहे गरेर छिमेकीे गाउँमा घरजम गरिरहेका थिए । अब्दुलको परिवारले गाउँमा मदरसा११, मस्जिद१३ बनाउन पाँचपाँच कट्ठा जग्गा दान दिएका थिए । समाजमा उनीहरूको परिवारलाई मान, सम्मान, इज्जत सबै प्राप्त थियो ।
अब्दुलकी आमालाई अब एउटी बुहारीको मात्र खाँचो थियो । उसले वरपर छरछिमेक वल्लोपल्लो गाउँ सबैतिर बिहेयोग्य केटीहरू हेरिरहेकी थिई, तर अब्दुल बिहा गर्न राजी भएकै थिएन । अम्मा१४, अर्काकी छोरीको जीवन किन बर्वाद गर्ने ? म बिहा नगरी त्यसै बस्छु । बिहाको कुरा चल्दा ऊ आमालाई सम्झाउँदै भत्रे गर्दथ्यो ।
छोरा ! खुदा१५ले हामीलाई सबै थोक दिएका छन् । तर समाजमा इज्जत राख्नैको लागि पनि तिम्रो बिहे गर्नुपर्दछ । मानिसहरूले दसथरी कुरा काट्न लागिसके । बरु दुःख पाएकी, गरिब केटीसँग बिहा गर, अन्धी, लुलीसँग बिहा गर, जोसँग गरेपनि मलाई एउटी बुहारी ल्याइदेऊ । आमा हरतरहले अब्दुललाई बिहेका लागि राजी गराउने, फकाउने कोसिस गर्थी ।
ऊ आमालाई सम्झाउन खोज्दथ्यो, “अम्मी१४! तपाइँलाई सबै कुरा थाहा छ र पनि किन मेरो बिहेका लागि यति जिद्दी गर्नुं हुन्छ ? म बिहे गर्नै सक्दिन, म कसैलाई स्वास्नी बनाउन सक्दिन ।”
चुप लाग, यस्तो कुरा गर्ने होइन । आइमाईहरू सहनशील हुन्छन्, बिहे गरेपछि सबै सहन्छन्, आआफ्नो नसिब१६ हो । उसकी आमाको आग्रहअघि अब्दुल लाचार बन्दथ्यो । अनि जब अब्दुलकी बहिनीले रजियासँग बिवाहको प्रस्तावलिएर आई । उसले रजियाको फोटो हेर्ने मौका पायो । अनि अब्दुलले आफ्नो बिगत, वर्तमान सबै बिर्सेर बिहा गर्ने स्वीकृति दियो । ओहो ! यो त इदको चाँद१७जस्तै मोहक रहिछ – सुन्दर, सुशील ।
बङ्गाली मुसलमान रजिया गरिब परिवारकी थिई । रजियाको सुकुम्वासी परिवार बङ्लादेश पाकिस्तानकै अधिनमा रहेको बेला दङ्गाबाट विस्थापित भएर नेपाल पसेको थियो । जाती, धर्म, रितीरिवाज एउटै भए पनि नेपाली मुसलमानहरू बङ्गाली मुसलमानलाई आफू भन्दा सानो र निम्नस्तरका मान्दथे । आफ्नो चेली उनीहरूलाई दित्रथे तर उनीहरूको छोरी, बहिनीलाई बुहारी बनाउँथे ।
रजियाको जन्म यहीँ नेपालमै भएको थियो । पहाडे हिन्दू केटाकटीेहरूसँग खेल्दै, हुर्केकी, रजिया नेपाली, हिन्दी, उर्दू सबै भाषा राम्रै बोल्दथी । उसले झापाको सरकारी विद्यालयमा कक्षा पाँचसम्म पढेकी थिई । अनि आफ्नो काकासँग घर मै अरबी भाषा पनि सिकेकी थिई । ऊ पाएसम्म धर्मग्रन्थका पुस्तकहरू पढ्ने गर्थी, रोजा१८ राख्दथी, नमाज१९ पढ्थी । प्रत्येक शुक्रबार हुने जुम्मा२०को नमाज१९का लागि मस्जिदमै जाने गर्थी । दीनदुःखीहरूको सक्दो सेवा र जकात२१ गर्थी ।
सुरुमा भद्रपुरमा बसेको रजियाको परिवार केहि वर्षपछि कोसीछेउको यस बस्तीमा दुई कट्ठा जग्गा किनेर बसाइँ सरेको थियो । यस गाऊँमा तराईबासी छ््यासमिसे हिन्दू परिवारका साथै पुस्तौँदेखि बस्दैआएका नेपाली मुसलमाहरूको बाक्लो बस्ती थियो । रजियाको बुबा किसान मजदुरी गरेर परिवार पाल्थ्यो । ऊसँग पैसा नभएकोले उमेर नाघिसक्दा पनि छोरीको बिहा गर्न सकेको थिएन ।
रजियाजस्ती गरिब, दुःख पाएकी केटीसँग बिहे गरे धर्म हुन्छ, परोपकार हुन्छ भत्रे विश्वासका साथ अब्दुल बिहे गर्न राजी भएको थियो । अनि केही दिनभित्रै रजिया बुहारी बनेर अब्दुलको घर आएकी थिई । रजियाको व्यवहार, आफूभन्दा मान्यजनहरूलार्ई गर्ने आदरसम्मान, सासूससुरा तथा परिवारका अन्य सदस्यहरूप्रतिको माया र सेवाबाट सबै प्रशत्र थिए । तर अब्दुल एउटा चिन्ताबाट पिल्साइरहेको थियो । ऊ रजियासँग एक्लै भएको बखत बडो दुखी भएर भन्थ्यो, “रजिया ! मलाई माफ गर । मैले तिमीलाई ठूलो धोका दिएँ । अन्धकारमा राखेँ, तिम्री जीवन बर्वाद बनाएँ । मैलै एउटा कुरा तिमीलाई थाहा दिएको छैन । तिमीजस्ती राम्री, ज्ञानी र सुशिल केटीले राम्राराम्रा लोग्ने पाउने थियौ, अझ पनि पाउन सक्छौ ।”
“यो के भत्रुभएको मेरो आका२२ ! मलाई तपाइँले बिहे गरेर कत्रो उपकार गर्नु भएको छ, नत्र हामी जस्तो गरिब केटीसँग कसले बिहा गर्ने थियो ? अल्लाह दयालु छन् । तपाईले यस्तो कुरा गर्नु हुत्र । लाइलहा इल्लालाहुल अलियुल अजिम२३, अल्लाहको नाम लिनोस् । यस्तो पाप नबोल्नुहोस् । तपाइँ किन यस्तो सोच्नु हुन्छ ?” ऊ अब्दुलको गोडा समाएर रुने गर्दथी ।
रजिया, अब्दुलको गोडा मिचेर बिगतका कुराहरू मनमा खेलाइरहेकी थिर्ईं । नर्सहरू आफ्नो नियमित ड््युटिका लागि आएको बेला अब्दुललाई अझै जागै र चिन्तित देखेर निद्रा लगाउने इन्जेक्सन दिएर गएका थिए । अब्दुल आँखाभरि आँसु लिदै लट्ठ भएर निदाएको थियो ।
रजियाको मन फेरि विरक्त भयो । मनमा विभित्र शङ्काउपशङ्का जाग्न लागे । ऊ बिगतमा हराई । बिहा गरेर ऊ अब्दुलको घर भित्रिएपछि, उसले घरव्यवहार समालेको देखेर अब्दुल झन्झन् उदास देखिन्थ्यो । ऊदेखि टाढाटाढा जाने, केही पश्चात्ताप, केही गल्ती गरेजस्तो उसको व्यवहार बुझीनसक्नुको थियो । ससुरा प्रायः दिनभरि पसलमै बस्थे । सामान बिक्री गर्नु, फुर्सत भएको बेला हुक्का तात्रु, नियमित रूपले नमाज१९ पढनु, मस्जिद१३ जानु रोजा१८, बकरिद२४ पर्वहरू धूमधामसँग मनाउनु, उनी एक आदर्श मुसलमान थिए । सासूससुरा दुवैले रजियालाई आफ्नी छोरी जस्तै माया गर्दथे । रजियालाई कुनै चिजको कमी थिएन । उसलाई एउटै कुरामा आश्चर्य लाग्दथ्यो बिहा भएको ६–६ महिना बितिसक्दा पनि अब्दुल एक रात ऊसँगै सुतेको थिएन । धेरैजसो ऊ घरबाहिर बस्ने औसर खोज्दथ्यो र घरमै बसेको रात एउटै कोठाभित्र सुत्दा पनि ऊ सन्चो नभएको, तवियत२५ खराब भएको बहाना बनाउँथ्यो । ऊ अब्दुलको गोडा मिचीदिन्थी, तेल लगाइदिन्थी । भो, भो तिमी थाकेकी छौ भन्दाभन्दै ऊ निदाएर घुर्न लाग्दथ्यो । रजिया उसको बलिष्ट पाखुरा र चौडा छाति हेर्दै छटपट गरेर धेरै रातसम्म अनिँदै रहन्थी ।
पसलका लागि सामान कित्र, घरका लागि केही सामान ल्याउन इनरुवा वा सीमा पारिको शहर विरपुर जानु पर्दा रजियालाई पनि सँगै लिएर जाने आदेश अब्दुलकी आमाले दिन्थी, “बुहारी दिनभरि एक्लै बसिरहन्छे, भटभटियामा पछाडि राखेर दुलहीलाई पनि लिएर जा, उसको मन बहलिन्छ ।”
सामान कित्र धरान वा विराटनगर जाँदा रजिया अन्य स्वास्नीमानिसहरू जस्तै साडी वा सेरवानी मात्र लगाउँथी तर सीमापारि भारतको विरपुर बजारमा सस्तो सामानहरू कित्र जाँदा रजिया बुर्का२६ पनि लगाउँथी । बुर्का लगाएकी महिलालाई मानिसहरू इज्जत दिन्थे, बुर्काले उसलाई लोग्नेमानिसहरूको उत्ताउलो नजरबाट पनि जोगाउँथ्यो, ऊ आफूलाई सुरक्षित ठान्दथी र मनलागेको कुरा निर्धक्कसँग बुर्काभित्रबाट हेर्न पनि सक्थी ।
रमदान पर्व नजिक आइरहेको थियो । घरयसी सामान कित्र उनीहरू मोटरसाइकलमा बसेर वीरपुरतिर जाँदै थिए । डुमराही२७नजिक एक्कासि एक हूल नापाक२८ जन्तु (सुँगुर) च्वाँच्वा गर्दै बाटो छेक्न अगाडि आइपुगेको थियो । या अल्लाह४, त्यहि अपवित्र जन्तुबाट बच्न खोज्दा उनीहरू दुर्घटनामा परे । संयोगले रजिया लडेर एउटा बलौटे खाल्डोमा खसी तर अब्दुल अगाडिको रूखमा ठोक्किन पुगेको थियो । गाउँलेहरूले उनीहरूलाई नजिकैको हेल्थपोष्टसम्म बोकेर पु¥याएका थिए ।
घाउ त्यति गहिरो छैन भनेर उनीहरू स्थानीय स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र मै उपचार गराएका थिए तर घाउ झन्झन् बल्झिएर सेप्टिक भएको थियो । अनि उनीहरू लाचार भएर काठमाडौँ आएका थिए– थप उपचारका लागि ।
रजिया अल्लाहसँग बिलौना गर्दथी, “किन यो घाउ मलाई लगाइदिएनौ, अब्दुललाई किन यति दुःख दिएको ?” ऊ अल्लाहसँग प्रार्थना गर्दथी । ऊ विगतमा हराएर कति बेला निदाइ पत्तो नै भएन ।
“बेगम, बेगम२९”! अब्दुल उसलाई बोलाइरहेको थियो, उसलाई पिसाब लागेको रहेछ । युरिनलमा पिसाब फेराउन लाग्दा ऊ जहिले पनि रजियालाई अर्कैतिर हेर्न, भित्तातिर फर्कन भत्रे गर्दथ्यो । रजिया अचम्म मान्दथी कस्तो लाज मात्रे लोग्नेमानिस हो, आफ्नी स्वास्नीसँग पनि यति धेरै लाज मान्छन् र ? ऊ छक्क पर्दथी ।
अब्दुललाई हेर्न, उसको सञ्चोबिसन्चो सोध्न उनीहरूकै गाउँको हमिद कहिलेकाहीँ आउने गर्दथ्यो । हमिद, अब्दुल भन्दा करिब तीन, चार वर्ष जेठो थियो । तर एउटै गाउँ, एउटै ठाउँ, सँगै गाईभैँसी चराउँदै, कोसीमा पौडी खेलेर हुर्किएका थिए । अचेल ऊ माझीहरूले मारेको कोसीको माछा काठमाडौँमा ल्याएर बिक्री गर्दछ । राम्रो आम्दानी हुन्थ्यो । गाउँघरतिरका मानिस काठमाडौं आएको बेला, आवश्यक सहयोग उसैले गर्दथ्यो । अब्दुलको लागि पनि गाउँबाट पैसा ल्याइदिने उनीहरूको हालखबर आमाबुबासम्म पु¥याउने काम उसैले गर्दथ्यो । हमिदकी स्वास्नी केही वर्षअघि कोसीको भङ्गालो तर्न लाग्दा डुबेर मरेकी थिई । त्यसपछि उसले अर्को बिहा गरेको थिएन । हमिद, रजियालाई हेरेर जिस्काउँने गर्दथ्यो, “बेगम साहिवा ! आफ्नी स्वास्नी त अल्लाहकी प्यारी भई, मलाई तिमीजस्तै राम्री एउटी खोजिदेऊ न ।”
हमिद अस्पताल आएको दिन अब्दुल पनि निकै खुसी हुन्थ्यो । उसको अनुहार हँसिलो हुन्थ्यो । उनीहरू धेरैबेरसम्म हाँसीहाँसी बाल्यकालका कुराहरू गर्दथे । बसको पछिपछि झुन्डिएको, कोसीटप्पुमा चराको सिकार खेलेको, कोसीमा माछा मारेको, पौडी खेल्दा डुबेर पानी खाएका कतिकति कुराहरू हुन्थे । अनि अब्दुल, हमिद र रजियालाई सँगसँगै बस्न लगाएर कस्तो सुहाएको जोडी भन्दै जिस्काउँथ्यो । जब हमिद जान्थ्यो, अब्दुल थकान र कमजोरीले लस्त भएर अलसतलस बन्दथ्यो ।
डाक्टरको उपचारले, रजियाको सेवासुसारले अब्दुललाई धेरै बिसेक हुँदै गएको थियो, गोडा काट्नु परेन, उसका घाउ भरिदै आएको थियो । जब अब्दुल आफैँ केही हिँड्डल गर्न सक्ने भएको थियो उसले हमिदसँग अनुनय गरेर रजियालाई काठमाडौँको घन्टाघर स्थित जामेमस्जिद, दरबारमार्ग स्थित पञ्च कस्मिरी, बौद्ध धर्मावलम्बीहरूको स्वयम्भू, हिन्दूहरूको पशुपति आर्यघाट, विदेशी पर्यटकहरूको थलो ठमेल, किनमेलको बजार न्युरोड सबैतिर घुमाउन लगाएको थियो ।
रजिया पराया लोग्नेमानिससँग एक्लै घुम्न जान मान्दिनथी । अब्दुल उसलाई फकाउँदै भनेको थियो, “हमिद त आफ्नै परिवारको सदस्य हो, ऊसँग के लाज मात्रु, फेरि यहाँ परदेशमा ऊ बाहेक हाम्रो को छ र ? तिमी अल्लाहसँग दुआ३० माग्न मस्जिद जान लागेकी हौ, पाप लाग्दैन, जाऊ, काठमाडौँ आएको बेला, जानुपर्छ । अहिले हामी मक्का३१ जान नसक्नेहरूका लागि यही जामेमस्जिद हाम्रो लागि मक्का हो, मौका गुमाउनु हुत्र ।”
रजिया लोग्नेको लागि दुआ३० माग्न पनि मस्जिद जान राजी हुन्थी । उनीहरू फर्केर आएपछि अब्दुल, हमिदको खुब तारिफ गर्दथ्यो, “बडो असल मानिस छ । आर्थिक रूपले सम्पत्र छ, आफ्नी स्वास्नीलाई एकदम माया गर्दथ्यो ।” अनि उदास भएर भत्रे गर्दथ्यो, “रजिया म गुनहगार३२ हुँ, मैले नापाक२८ काम गरेकोले अल्लाहले मलाई यो दुघटनाले एउटा सजाय दिएका हुन्, सचेत गराएका हुन् । अखिरत३३ का दिन दोखज३४ जानुपर्नेछ, म नरक जान चाहात्र । अल्लाह मियाँ, मलाई माफ गर ।”
यस्तो कुरा नगर्न रजिया ऊसँग अनुनय, गर्दथी, बिन्ती गर्दथी । तिमीलाई पाएर म एकदम सुखी छुँ, खुसी छुँ भन्थी । तर किन हो किन अब्दुल भित्रभित्रै जलिरहेको हुन्थ्यो ।
अब्दुललाई डिस्चार्ज३५ गर्ने समय आउन लागिसकेको थियो । रजिया पनि अचेल निकै खुसी देखिन्थी अल्लाहले कृपा गरे– रहम३६ गरे भनेर । अल्लाहको लाखलाख शुक्र३७ छ, धन्यवाद । आफ्नो लोग्ने, आफ्नो हरम३८ बिसेक भएकोमा ऊ अल्लाहलाई मुरीमुरी धन्यवाद दिन्थी ।
रमजान३९ को महिना चलिरहेको थियो । मुसलमानहरू रोजा१८मा थिए, दिनभरि निराहार भएर व्रत बस्थे । आज पनि हमिद, अब्दुललाई भेट्न आएको थियो । अब्दुलले रजियालाई सेवई र खजुर किन्न बाहिर पठाएर हमिदसँग कुरा गर्न लाग्यो ।
अब्दुलले हमिदको हात समातेर विनित स्वरमा भन्यो, “हमिद मियाँ४० मलाई पैगम्बर४१बाट एउटा इलहाम४२ प्राप्त भएजस्तो लाग्छ । मलाई अल्लाहले हज४३ गर्न जाऊ, मक्का३१ जाऊ भत्रे आदेश दिनु भएको छ । म अब यो साँसारिक मायामोहबाट छुटकारा चाहान्छु । म तिमीलाई एउटा परोपवारको काम सुम्पन चाहान्छु । यो पवित्र महिना हो, तिमीले मलाई सहयोग गर्ने बचन दिनुपर्छ । एक सच्चा मुस्लिमले धर्मको कामबाट नाइँ भत्र मिल्दैन, मलाई बचन देऊ ।”
हमिद बडो दुविधामा प¥यो । ऊ पनि एक सच्चा मुसलमान थियो, फेरि रमदानको महिना । सिकिस्त बिरामी भएर थला परेको बाल्यकालको मित्र, उसले सक्दो सहयोग गर्ने बाचा ग¥यो । हमिदबाट आश्वासन पाएपछि अब्दुल भत्र लाग्यो, “हेर ! हाम्री रजिया अहिले पनि उस्तै पवित्र छ, जस्ती बिहा गर्नु अघि थिई । तिमीलाई थाहा नै छ, जब म तीनचार वर्षको थिएँ, मेरो मुसलमानी४४ गर्दा खतना४५ गरेको ठाउँमा बाँसको कर्चिले घोचिँदा संक्रमण भई पाकेको थियो । पछि त्यो घाउ बिसेक त भयो तर जननेन्द्रियका नसाहरू गुँडुलो परेर बडहरको फल जस्तो गुजुल्टो परेको छ । अब त्यो अङ्ग एक पिसाप फेर्ने प्वालको रूपमा मात्र बाँकि छ । तिमी भन यस्तो अवस्थामा मैले रजियासँग बिहा गरेर महापाप गरिन् ? के लाई अल्लाहले माफ गर्छ्न् ? तिमी मलाई यो पापबाट उन्मुक्त्ति देऊ, तिमी रजियासँग बिहा गर ।”
अब्दुलसँग छलफल भएपछि हमिदले रजियालाई आफूले पनि बिहा गर्ने कुरा सुनायो । केटी पनि फेला परिसकेकी छ तर उनको स्वीकृति लिनमात्र बाँकी भएको भन्दै उसले रजियालाई रोजाएर काठमाडौँमा थुप्रै लत्ताकपडा किन्यो, गहनाहरू बनायो ।
अस्पतालबाट डिस्चार्ज भएपछि अब्दुल, रजिया र हमिद एउटै बसबाट सँगै आफ्नो गाउँ रहिमपुर आए । घर पुगेको केही दिनपछि अब्दुलले गाउँमा एक भोजको आयोजना ग¥यो, इफ्तारी४६को आयोजना ग¥यो । इष्टमित्र, मौलवी, हाजी सबै निमत्याइए । भोजको कार्यक्रममा रजिया सहित अन्य महिलाहरू पर्दा पछाडि बसेर सहभागिता जनाइरहेका थिए । उपस्थित भद्र भलादमीहरूको बैठकमा अब्दुलले रजियालाई पनि निम्त्यायो । ऊ लजाउँदै, डराउँदै पर्दा पछाडि आएर बसी ।
अनि केही गम्भीर भएर उपस्थित भलादमीहरूको ध्यान आफूतिर आकृष्ट गर्दै अब्दुलले रजियातिर हेरेर भत्र सुरु ग¥यो, “रजिया एकदम नेक४७ कन्या हुन् । उनले मलाई, मेरो परिवारलाई र मेरो सेवा स्याहारमा कुनै कमी राखेकी छैनन् । उनमा कुनै खोट४८ छैन, तर म एक योग्य पति हुने क्षमता राख्दिन, म उनको योग्य छैन । म रजियालाई स्वतन्त्रता दिन्छु, उसलाई आफ्नो बन्धनमा बाँधी राख्न चाहत्र । उसँग सम्बन्धविच्छेद गर्न चाहान्छु । हाम्रो सम्बन्ध लोग्नस्वास्नीको रूपमा नरहेतापनि हामी सधैँ एक असल मित्र रहने छौँ ।” अनि उसले इस्लामीे सरिअन४९ अनुसार तीन पटक भन्यो –
“तलाक ! !”
“तलाक ! ! !”
“रजिया अवाक् भई, ऊ रुन लागी । यो के भयो, उसले के र कहाँ के गल्ती गरी, किन अब्दुलले यसरी तलाक दियो ? उसले केही थाहा पाइन ।
मानिसहरू खासखुस गर्न लागे । केही युवाहरूले विरोधको स्वर उठाउन चाहे । अनि मानिसहरूलाई शान्त पार्र्दैं भीडबाट उठेर हमिदले भन्यो, “इहदिनास सिरातल मुस्तकिम५१, अब्दुल एकदम नेक४७ मानिस हुन् । उनी अल्लाह र उसका रसुल५२ मा विश्वास राख्छन् । रजियासँगको तलाक पनि अल्लाहको रसुल५२ हो । तपाइँहरूलाई थाहै छ, मेरी बेगम२९ मरेकी पनि आज तीन वर्ष भयो । म एक्लो छुँ– म पनि परिवार बसाउन चाहान्छु । घरजम गर्न चाहान्छु । रजियाको स्वीकृति पाए म ऊसँग निकाह५३ गर्छु । म उनलाई जीवन साथी बनाउन चाहान्छु ।”
उसले मौलाना५४तिर हेरेर हात जोड्दै निकाह५२का लागि स्वीकृति माग्यो । उपस्थित जनसमुदाय तर्फ हात जोड्दै समर्थन चाह््यो, अनि पर्दा पछाडिकी रजिया तिर हेर्दै सहयात्राका लागि याचना गर्न लाग्यो ।
गाउँका पाका मानिसहरू अब्दुलको प्रशंसा गर्न लागे, “क्यावात, क्यावात५५ अब्दुल ! तिमीलाई हाम्रो शुभकामना छ ।” ंअब्दुल र हमिद आपसमा अङ्कमाल गर्दै एकअर्र्कालाईं बधाई दिए । पर, पर्दा पछाडि बसेकी रजिया एकै पटक मिलन र बिछोडको भुमरीमा परी । हर्ष र बिस्मातको भँगालोमा भासिई । उसको अनुहार भूपिको ‘मैनबत्तीको शिखा’ झैँ भयो–
एकातिर धप्पधप्प बलिरहेछ अनुहार !
अर्कातिर तप्प तप्प ढलिरहेछ अश्रुधार !!
(“निकाह” गरिमा, वर्ष २९, अङ्क ४, पूर्णाङ्क ३४०, चैत २०६७ )

१.स्वास्नी, २.इष्टमित्र, ३. पश्चात्तात, ४ ईश्वर, ५. मक्कामा भएको मस्जिद, ६. इस्लामिक घोषणा, ७. अल्लाह अतिरिक्त अरू कोही इश्वर छैन, मुहम्मद उनका दुत हुन्, . आशिवाद, ९.ईश्वर (अल्लाह) कृपालु छन्, दयावान छन् १०. मनपराएकी, ११. इस्लाम धर्मको पाठशाला, १२. धार्मिक गीत, १३. इस्लाम धर्मंको मन्दिर, १४. आमा, १५ ईश्वर, १६. भाग्य, १७ इस्लामिक धार्मिंक पर्व इदमा देखिने चन्द्रमा, १८. उपवास, १९.प्रार्थना, २०. मुख्य , २१. दान धर्म, २२ स्वामी ,२३.सर्वशक्तिमान, पूजनीय अल्लाह, २४.इदपछिको पर्व, २५. स्वास्थ्य, २६.मुस्लिम महिलाले पुरै शरीर ढाक्ने गरी लगाउने गाउन, २७.डोम जातको बस्ती, २८. अपवित्र, २९. महिलालाई श्रद्धापूर्वक गरिने सम्बोधन, ३०.आशिष्, ३१. इस्लाम धर्मका संस्थापक हजरत मुहमदको जन्म स्थान, ३२. अपराधी, ३३. मत्युको बखत,३४. नरक, ३५. अस्पतालमा भर्ना भएका बिरामी निको भएर घर जाने क्रम, ३६.दया, ३७. धन्यवाद ३८. लोग्न, ३९.व्रत, ४०.साथी, ४१. ईश्वर, ४२. ईश्वरीय सन्देश, ४३. तीर्थयात्रा, ४४. पाँच वर्ष मुनिका केटाहरूलाई धार्मिक अनुष्ठान गरी मुसलमान धर्माबलम्बी बनाउने विधि ४५. लिङ्गको टाउकोबाट छाला काटेर हटाउने धार्मिक विधान, ४६.सामूहिक भोज, ४७.असल, ४८.कमी, ४९. इस्लामिक आचारसंहिता, ५०.सम्बन्ध विच्छेद, ५१. अल्लाह मलाई सच्चाइ तर्फ डो¥याउ,५२. फैसला, ५३. बिहा, ५४. मुसलमानको पण्डित, ५५.स्याबास ।

Thursday, 3 March 2011

21. Review: . Status of Rangeland Resources and Strategies for Improvements in Nepal

21. Review:
. Status of Rangeland Resources and Strategies for Improvements in Nepal

Rameshwar Singh Pande
(Published in: Pande, RS, 2009. Review:Status of Rangeland Resources and Strategies for Improvements in Nepal, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2009 4, No. 047 )
The livelihood of the Himalayan Sherpa people depends on rangeland based livestock farming in Nepal. In above 2,500 m altitude contribution of rangelands in livestock feed supply is more than 65 percent. Rangeland comprises about 11.5 percent of the total land resources on Nepal and over 98 percent are located in high Mountains & Himalayan regions. Nepal is rich in biodiversity and over 180 native species of grasses and legumes are found. Major rangelands vegetations are Tropical (Phragmitis- Saccharum- Imperata type), Sub-tropical (Themeda- Arundinella type), Temperate (Andropogon type), Sub-alpine (Danthonia type), Alpine (Kobresia type) and Steppe. The production and productivity of rangelands range from 0.12 to 3.2 mt DM/ha. Only 64 percent of the rangelands are accessible. Most of the rangeland are over stocked and severely grazed out. The estimated carrying capacity ranges from 0.06 to 1.4 LU/ha. The stocking rate on rangelands is 3.5 times to 37 times high. Indigenous techniques for the rangelands management are not keeping pace with the increased livestock population. Traditionally, practiced transfrontier pasturing between Tibet and Nepal has been closed by the Tibetan/Chinese government for Nepalese migratory herds effective from 1990, which compelled the Nepal government to initiate various rangeland development activities to meet the feed supply for Himalayan herds. Till now only 0.5 % of the total rangelands of the high Himalayan regions have been improved. Major challenges on rangeland development/management are dispute on ownership/users’ right on rangelands resources, lack of basic information on rangelands, deteriorating conditions of rangelands and associated forests, poor infrastructural facilities, remoteness, ad hock collection of grazing fees, lack of co-relation between stocking rate vs carrying capacity, community awareness, lack of support services, invasion of rangelands, poor people's participation, poor research and extension, high cost of development, poor supply/production of planting materials are some major problems for rangelands improvements. Since, 1990 UNDP supported 'High Altitude Pasture and Fodder Development Project' phased out, no significant work has been done to improve the pastures of Himalayan regions. The pasture improvement programmes should be continued to cover much more areas of indigenous rangelands. Legume components in the natural rangelands of Nepal are negligible. Incorporation of the legume in natural rangelands, improvement of physical facilities, opening new rangelands/use of unutilised community pasture areas, adoption of proper grazing management, closing of the rangelands from the grazing animals are some recommendations to improve the rangelands productivity.

Keywords: Rangeland, Himalaya, Yak, Nepal, Sherpa,

Review methodology:
Documents, reports related to rangeland resources, livestock production, feeds and fodder situations and other relevant issues were published from Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), International Centre for Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS), Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC) and others were studied, reviewed, analysed and documented to prepare this paper.

1. Importance of Rangelands in Nepal
Rangelands are important resource of feed for domestic as well as wild ungulates in Nepal (Figure 1 & 2). Rangelands are abundant in high altitude Himalayan areas of Nepal. Overall rangeland contributes 11.5 percent in total livestock feed supply. In high altitude Himalayan areas above 2,500 m contribution of rangelands in feed supply is more than 65 percent [1]. Rangelands are rich sources of herbaceous vegetation. Many rare medicinal plants and herbs are found in Himalayan rangelands. Most of the rangelands are found as a part of watershed areas contributing significantly on soil water conservation as well. The physical conditions of these rangelands not only contribute to the feed supply to the grazing animals but also influence the natural resource management and bio-diversity conservation.
2 Areas and Distribution of Rangelands, Nepal
It is estimated that over 1.7 million ha of land is considered as rangelands which comprises approximately 11.5 percent of the total land resources on Nepal [1] (LRMP, 1986). Area of the rangelands increases so as the elevation. Out of total area under rangelands, over 98 percent is located in Hills and High Mountains and less than 2 percent rangelands are found in plain below 1000 m altitudes are mainly confined inside the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. The percentage of rangelands in different ecological region is presented in (Table 1).

Table 1: Type of Rangelands according to the Ecological Belt, Nepal
Description Ecological belt Nepal
Mountains Terai Hills
Area (ha) 10,82,232.0 74,100.9 5,45,334.9 17,01,670.8
Percent 63.6 4.4 32.0 100
Climate Temperate Tropical Sub-tropical -
Source: [1] LRMP, 1986

3.0 Vegetation Type of Rangelands, Nepal
Due to the extreme climate variations, different types of rangeland are found in Nepal. Nepal is rich in biodiversity; over 6,500 species of flowering plants have been recorded to be found [2] (Forestry Master Plan, 1989; [3] (MFSC, 2006). It was estimated that over 180 species of different species of grasses and legumes are found. Most of these species are grasses; only few species are legumes such as Astragalus spp, Medicago SP, Desmodium spp and others. On the basis of physiographic and ecological distribution of rangelands, [4] Livestock Master Plan (1993) identified following type of vegetation:
• Tropical: Phragmitis- Saccharum- Imperata type
• Sub-tropical: Themeda- Arundinella type
• Temperate: Andropogon type
• Sub-alpine: Danthonia type
• Alpine: Kobresia type
• Steppe:

3.1 Tropical Rangelands Vegetation (Phanta):
The Plain areas of Nepal has tropical types of vegetation. Such types of vegetation are found up to the elevation below 1,000 m, where the climate is humid - warm tropical. In this zone, summer is hot (35-38oC) and cool winter. Rainfall is quite heavy during monsoon (July to September). Average rainfall is 1917 mm/yr. Most of the growth of the grasses takes place during monsoon period. Humid tropical rangelands are more confined in the national park, wildlife reserves of Terai belt, bordering to India. The rangelands of this zone are called "Phanta" in Nepali. The characteristic feature of such rangeland is the dominance of tall grasses such as Phragmites, Sacharum, and Imperata spp. These grasses have low feeding value, however, these grasses provides excellent shelter to the wildlife. The rangelands of this zone are associated with the evergreen hardwood forest.
• Major grasses: Andropogon pumilus, Bothriochloa intermedia, Bothriochoa odorata, Chrysopogan aciculatus, Cynoden dactylon, Desmostachys bipinnata, Hymenachne pseudoinlerrupta, Imperata cylindrica, Ischaemmum timorense, Narenga porphyroecoma, Panucum natatum, Paspalum conjugatum, Phragmites karka, Saccharum arundinaceum, Sacchrrum bengalense, Saccharum spotaneum, Sclerostachya fusca, Sporobolus indicus, Vetiveria zizaniodes and others.
• Major fodder tree and shrubs: Artocarpus lakoocha, Ficus bengalensis, Ficus religiosa, Zizyphus jubuta, Tamarindus indica, Bahunia variagata, Dalbergia sissoo and others.

Tropical rangelands are rapidly disappearing. For example, most of the tropical rangelands outside the national parks and wildlife reserves are converted into cultivable lands. Remnants of these species can be found in the uncultivated barren lands, river and roadside. No attempts have been made to evaluate the feeding value of these grasses in Nepal. As these grasses are coarse and fibrous, the feed value is considered as low. Besides the animal feed these grasses also used for thatching, to prepare household materials such as broom, mats and for paper mills. The Dry Matter (DM) production is considered is about 3-4 Mt/ha of herbaceous forage and about 250 kg of browse per hectare [5] Alirol, 1979; [6]Archer, 1987; [7] Archer, 1990; [8] FAO, 1990) [9] Grela, A. and Sharma, K.P. 1991 Wide ranges of tree/shrub species grown in this region are used fodder source.

3.2 Sub-tropical Rangelands Vegetation
This type of rangelands is found in the Middle hills between the elevations of 1,000-2,000 m. In this zone, sub-tropical climate is found. The average temperature is 15- 20oC and rainfall is 1,700 mm/yr. These are the open grazing-lands appears in a small patches associated with the evergreen forests around the vicinity of human dwellings. The forest vegetation is Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii); Chilaune (Schima wallichii) and Castenopsis spp). These rangelands are developed by clearing the forest trees for domestic use. The characteristic feature of these rangelands is the domination of the Arundinella; Themeda, Thysanolaena and other grass species. Most of the rangelands suitable for crop cultivation are converted into the croplands.
Most of these rangelands are heavily grazed out and are in poor conditions. The productivity of these rangelands are estimated to be about 1.5 to 2.0 mt DM/ha of herbaceous forage and 300 kg/ha of browse materials [6] Archer, 1987; [7] Archer, 1990; [8] FAO, 1990); [9] Grela, A. and Sharma, K.P. 1991. [10] Dhaubhadel, T.S., Tiwari, B.N. 1992. The feed quality of these grasses is of medium quality. A list of major species of these types of rangelands is as follow:
• Major grasses: Andropogon pumilis, Apluda mutica, Arundinell bengalensis, Arundinella nepalensis, Bothriochloa intermedia, Bothriochloa decumbens, Chrysopogon fulvus, Chrysopogon gryllus, Chrysopogon jwarancusa, Capillipedium parviflorum, Cymbopogon microtheca, Cymbopogon stracheyi, Cynodon dactylon, Dimeria fuscescens, Digitaria setigera, Digitoria cruciata, Eragrostiella leioptera, Eragrostis nigra, Eulaliopsis binata, Eleusina indica, Heleropogon contortus, Isachna globusa, Ischaemum baratum, Oplismenus compositus, Paspalidium flavidum, Paspalum dilitatum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Penisetum clandestinum, Penisetum pedicellatum, Perotis hordeiformis, Polygonum spp, Sporobolus fertilis, Thysanolaena maxima and others.
• Major fodder trees/shrubs are: Artocarpus lakoocha, Bauhinia purpurea, Boehmeria rugulosa, Bomax malabaricum, Utea brondosa, Erythrina variegata, Eugenia jambolana, Ficus religiosa, Garuga pinnta, Litsea monopetala, Morus alba, Premna spp, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia tomentosa, Ziziphus spp and others.

3.3 Temperate Rangelands Vegetation (Kharka):
This type of rangelands is found in between the elevation of 2,000 - 3,000 m. In this zone summer, is mild and winter is cold, average temperature is 10-15oC. Average rainfall is 1500-1700 mm/yr. This type of rangelands is characterised by the domination of Andropogan spp. The most common species such as Pennisetum flaccidum (Nepali name: Dhimso) is used to make hay by the farmers of these region. This rangelands are associated with the evergreen oak (Quercus spp and Pinus excelsa) forest. Study on species composition of natural rangelands at Guthichaur Sheep Farm, Jumla in June 1989 showed that Chrysopogan grylus and Arundinella hookerii are the major indigenous grass species either in caged or un-caged areas. The Relative Density was 54.5 and 33.2 percent respectively in the caged areas, whereas in the un-caged area the relative density was 70.0 and 18.4 percent of the above-mentioned two species. [11] Singh, et al 1990.

The major species are found in such rangelands are as follow:
• Major grasses: Agropyron canaliculatum, Agropyron semicostatum, Agrostis canina, Agrostis falipus, Agrostis micrantha, Agrostis muriantha, Agrostis pilosula, Anaphalis contorta, Andropogon pumilus, Andropogen tritis, Arundenella hookerii, Brachypodium sylvaticum, Bromus ramorus, Bothriochloa bladhii, Calamagrostis epigejos, Calamagrostis emodensis, Calamagrostis pseudophragmites , Chrysopogon gryllus, Cymbopogon distans, Cymbopogon microtheca, Danthonia jacqnemontii, Deschampsia caespitosa, Deyeuscia scabrescens, Digiterai spp, Eragrostis nigra, Erigeron alpinus, Elymus caninus, Eulalia mollis, Festuca gigantea, Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra, Helictotrichon asperum, Keoleria cristata, Muhenbergia spp, Miscanthus nepalensis, Oryzopsis aequiglumis, Paspalum spp, Pennisetum flaccidum, Poa pratensis, Poa alpina, Poa annua, Polygonum spp, Seteria pallidefusca, Schizachyrium delarvayi, Stippa concinna, Taraxacum officinale, Themeda quadrivalis, Thymus serphyllum, Trisetum spicatumm, Trisetum micans and others.
• Major legumes: Desmodium spp, Medicago denticulata, Medicago lupinina, Pretropis cytosoides, Trigonella emodi, Vicia spp and others.
• Major fodder tree/shrubs: Alnus nepalensis, Bassia butyracea, Bauhinia purpurea, Brassaiopsis hainla, Grewia tiliaefolia, Saurauia nepaulensis, Ficus nemoralis, Buddleja asiatia, Ficus clavata, Wandlandia exerta, Castanopsis indica, Celtis australis, Eurya spp and others.

Temperate rangelands have major contribution in high altitude livestock production. The productivity of these rangelands is estimated about 1- 1.5 mt DM/ha of herbaceous forage and 1,500 kg of browse/ha [6] Archer, 1987; [7] Archer, 1990; [8] FAO, 1990).

3.4 Sub-alpine Rangelands Vegetation:
These rangelands are found in between the elevation of 3,000 - 4,000 m. The region is semi-arid, average temperature is 3 – 10C, and annual rainfall is very low varies from 150-500 mm/yr depending on location. These rangelands are the important sources of animal feed for the migratory stock. Nomadic herds of yak, chauris and sheep heavily depend on these grazinglands during summer. The grasses are associated with Rhododendrons, Betula spp, Tsuga dumosa, Danthonia, Stipa spp.

The major vegetation is as follow:
 Major grasses: Agrostis inaequiglumis, Agrostis pilosula, Agrostis tenuis, Anthoxanthum hookerii, Arrhanatherum elatius, Bromus himalaicus, Calamagrostis emodensis, Calamagrostis pulchella, Crotalaria albida, Danthonia schneideri, Duthiea nepalensis, Elymus canaliculatus, Elymus dehuricus, Elymus nuleris, Elymus schrenleiannus, Festuca eumminsii, Festuca leptopogon, Festuca omina, Helictotricton virescens, Medicago lupina, Poa alpina, Poa ludens, Poa polycolea, Stipa concinna, Stipa duthiea, Stipa koelzei, Stipa regeliana, Stipa seliria, Triluria oreophilia, Trisetum spicatum and others.
 Major legumes: Medicago lupina, Vicia tetrasperma and others.
 Major Shrubs: Berberis, Caragana, Junipers, Potentiall, Rosa, Spiraea and others.
 Major trees: Rhododendron spp, Juniperus spp, Betula spp, Rosa spp, Potentilla spp, Berberis and others.
 Major fodder tree/shrubs: Albizzia leblek, Betula spp, Brassaiopsis glomerulata, Castanopsis tribuloides, Ilex dipyrena, Machilus odoratissima, Quercus semicarpifolia, Quercus lamellosa, Symplocos spp and others.

The productivity of this rangeland is about 1.5 t DM/ha of the herbaceous foliage. [6] Archer, 1987; [7] Archer, 1990; [8] FAO, 1990).

3.5 Alpine Rangelands Vegetation:
Such type of rangelands is situated above 4,000 m and is covered with snow most of the year. During summer when snow melts the grasses grow very quickly and complete the life cycle. During these period these rangeland provides 3 - 4 months of grazing to the nomadic herds of Yak, Chauris and sheep.
A small of different plant community are common in this region. Department of Medicinal Plants reported that in alpine meadow of Langtang Valley the major species were Cortia depressa and Kobresia spp. In the Cortia type meadow 40-80 percent of the coverage was occupied by Cortia depressa and the subsidiary species were Potentilla pedunculosa, Primula obliqua, Carex spp and Geranium polyanthes. Whereas in the Kobresia type meadow, Kobresia spp occupied 40-90 percent of the coverage and the subsidiary species were varying in different sites. In the slopes the meadow were dominated with gramineous vegetation. The major species were Carex spp, Agrostis and Poa spp. On the level ground of open meadow Caltha palustris was a dominant species. The abundance of Caltha spp on well-grazed rangelands may be due to the unpalatability of this species to the animals. Caltha could be poisonous to the livestock. The other major species on level ground was Potentilla coriandifolia and others [12] Department of Medicinal Plants (1976)

On the exposed ridge the dominant species was Oxygraphis gracialis. Whereas on gravely slopes with mosey ground cover Bistorta vaccinifolia vegetation was common. The major type of vegetation is as follow:
• Major grasses: Agrostis pilosula, Androsace lehmani, Carex spp Cortia depressa, Elymus nutans Kobrasa hookerii, Kobresia nepalensis, Poa alpina, Poa attenuata, Potentilla argyrophylla and others.
• Major forbs: Astragalus spp, Galium spp, Geranium nepalensis, Plantago lanceolata, Potentilla spp, Saxifraga spp, Taraxacum sp. Thymus serpyllum, Trifolium repens Vicia spp and others.
• Major shrubs: Berberis spp, Juniperus communis, Rhodendron spp, Rosa spp, Salix spp and others.

The productivity of the herbaceous forage is about 1.5 mt/ha. [6] Archer, 1987; [7] Archer, 1990; [8] FAO, 1990). Major Plant species found in the Langtang Valley [12] (Department of Medicinal Plant, 1976) (Table-2)

Table 2 Vegetational composition of Langtang Valley, Nepal
Type Alt m Coverage % # Spp
Cortia depressa 3,880 88 21
Kobresia pygmaea 3,900 98 11
Caltha palustris 3,950 95 10
Potentilla spp 4,030 95 7
Source: [12] Department of Medicinal Plant, 1976

3.6 Steppe Rangelands Vegetation:
The northern side of the Dhaulagiree/Annapurna Himalayan range (Manang, Mustang and Dolpa) an arid, treeless plateau; is categorized as steppe zone and the elevation ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 m. This entire zone is dry and receives rain less than 500 mm/annum. Wind erosion is quite common; a high velocity wind blows during afternoon. The soil of the region is severely eroded with loss of fine particles and organic material. Most of the areas are denuded and bare ground. The vegetation cover is sparse and poor in quality. The major vegetation type is as follows:
• Major grasses: Andropogon tritis, Aristida spp, Calamagrostis spp, Crysopogon stellera, Cymbopogon stracheyi, Danthonia cachemyriana, Deyeuxia holciformis, Deyeuxia pulchella, Festuca ovina, Melica jacquemontii, Melica scaberrima, Orinus thordii, Oryzopsis lateralis, Pennisetum flaccidum, Poa alpigena, Poa pagophila, Poa poophagorum, Rumex nepalensis, Stippa spp and others.
• Legume: Medicago falcata and others.
• Major forbs: Astragalus spp, Medicago falcata, Nepata elata, Polygonum spp, Sambucus wightiana , Taraxacum spp, Thymus serpyllum, Viola spp and others.
• Major shrubs: Artemisia maritima, Berberis spp, Caragana brevispina, Caragana gerardiana, Ephedra gerardiana, Lonicera spinosa, Rosa sericea and others.
• Major trees: Juniperus squamata, Pinus wallichiana and others.

Scattered bushes of Caragana spp are observed to be appearing on such rangelands [13] Basnyat (1988) observed that grasses and legumes grow inside these bushes and complete its lifecycle by protecting from wind erosion and grazing. The productivity of these rangelands is very low and feed quality is also considered as low. Kandel et al reported the plant composition and the productivity of the rangelands of Mustang regions [14] Kandel et al. (1988) in (Table 3).

Table 3. Plant Composition and DM yield at Mustang, Nepal
Plant Species Muktinath
(Alt 3610 m) Ghami
(Alt 3740) Lho-Manthang
(Alt. 3930m)
DM Kg/ha Cover % DM
Kg/ha Cover % DM kg/ha Cover %
Rosa sericea 1,116 35.2 - - - -
Caragana spp 511 16.3 216.0 40.2 232.2 28.2
Artimisia sp 435 13.5 181.7 33.8 201.6 24.8
Cotoneaster sp 195 6.2 - - - -
Stippa spp 234 7.4 - - - -
M. falcata 93 3 - - 22.3 2.8
P.flaccidium 72 2.2 49.6 9.2 67.3 8.3
Anaphalis sp 190 6.1 14.4 2.7 - -
S.hamaefasme 84 2.7 - - - -
E.gerardiana 101 3.2 - - - -
Potentilla spp - - 1.4 8.0 67.3 8.3
S.sponteneum - - 42.9 8.0 - -
Others 160 4.3 31.6 5.9 - -
Average Production 290 - 76.8 - 116.3 -
Source: Adapted from [14] Kandel et al. (1988).

4.0 Rangelands Production and Utilisation
4.1 Productivity of Rangelands:
The quality and quantity of fodder produced in natural rangelands are very poor, on an average pasture production range from 0.12 Mt DM/ha to 3.2 mt DM/ha [5] Alirol, 1979; [6] Archer, 1987; and [15] Shrestha et al, 1990). Similarly, FAO estimate that pasture production is more in per-humid rangelands compared to the other climatic zone [16] FAO (1990) (Table 4). Similarly, an experiment was carried out to estimate DM production of native rangelands of two different sites at Solukhumbu area, Syangboche (elevation 3720-3780 m) and Tauche (elevation 4220-4400 masl). Mean DM yield recorded in September 1990 was 1010 kg DM/ha at Tauche and 1440 kg DM/ha at Syangboche [16] FAO (1990). (Table -4)

Table 4 Pasture Production from Different types rangelands
Types of rangelands Yield mt DM/ha
Per humid rangeland 3.0-4.0
Semi humid rangelands 1.0-1.5
Semi arid rangeland 0.15-0.035
Per humid/humid forest 8.75
Sub-humid forest 0.50
Source: [16] FAO, 1990

Pasture production is much more depends on altitude and ecological zone in natural state of growth. In the high altitude regions, above the tree line rangelands are the main vegetation. The climate is too cold and unsuitable for tree growth. The growing season is very short. For example, in Syangboche region vegetational growth starts from late April – first May depending on the initiation of the spring and ends towards mid Nov to mid Dec, which gives average 175- 204 days of vegetation growth period [9] (Grela and Sharma, 1991). Wiart found that pasture production was highest at 2700 m altitude compared to 2000 m; 3,700 and 4,000 m. Total DM yield was 3.2, 2.02, 2.03 and 2.06 Mt DM/ha respectively; on the basis of 3 cut per year in the central regions of Nepal [17] Wiart (1983). Shrestha et al reported that annual DM production is approximately 3.6 Mt DM/ha in Terthum district of eastern Nepal at elevation 2040 - 2150 m and Taplejung (altitude 2,450 - 2,630 m). Similarly under Jiri conditions the fodder yield was 3 Mt DM/ha and the growing season was for 5 months [15] Shrestha et al (1990) (Table 5).

Table 5: Production Pattern of Native pasture (kg DM/ha).
Months Taplejung
Alt. 2450-2630 m Terhathum
Alt.2040-2150 m Jiri ( Alt 1935 m)
Jan 175.0 101.5 0.0
Feb 93.6 68.0 0.0
March 0.0 60.3 0.0
April 234.8 55.7 0.0
May 293.2 0.0 0.0
June 842.1 64.5 1000
July 212.8 0.0 700
August 588.1 0.0 600
September 516.8 835 300
October 284.1 300 400
November 140.0 306 0.0
December 161.0 0.0 0.0
Total 4041.8 1791 3000
Source: [15] Shrestha et al, 1990,

Paudyal and Bauer found that in most of the kharka at altitude 2200 to 3,999 m in Sagarmatha National Park the grass cover was 40-50 percent. And, most of the pasture was at the height below 30 cm [18] Paudyal and Bauer (1988). Many exotic pasture species introduced in Nepal. The productivity of these pastures varies according to the cultivar used as well as the management practices. Mono- cultivation of ryegrass at Jumla yielded 12.6 Mt/ha [11] Singh et al 1990). Similarly, cocksfoot 6.5 mt/ha at Jiri [19] Panday et al 1990).

4.2 Production and Utilization of Pastures:
The total production of fodder from the rangelands is 5067,963 MT DM. A large quantity of forage lost due to inaccessibility to harvest and/or due to under utilization by the animals. It is estimated that only 64 percent of the rangelands are accessible. Rest are inaccessible due to steepness, lack of trail, lack of drinking water, rocks and others. Pasture production from the accessible rangelands is only 3241428.5 MT DM. Furthermore, whole quantity of pasture produced in accessible rangelands may not be utilized by/for the livestock due to seasonality of growth, migratory system of grazing, snow fall, rain, plant senescence and others. It is estimated that only 74.4 percent of the pasture produced in accessible area are utilized. When compared to the total pasture production, only 2413160.7 MT DM , which is 47.6 percent, are assumed to be available for grazing stock [20] Pande, 1994; [21] Pande, 1997. (Table 6).

Table 6: Fodder production and utilization from rangelands
Description Ecological belt Nepal
Himal Hills Terai
Area of rangelands (ha) 10,82,235 5,45,335 74,101 17,01,671
Fodder yield (mt DM / ha) 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.98
Total fodder (mt DM/yr) 3246705 1636005 185252.5 5067962.5
Accessible % 60 70 80 64.1
Accessible (ha) 649341 381734.5 59280.8 1090356.3
Accessible fodder (Mt DM/yr) 1948023 1145203.5 148202.0 3241428.5
Utilization % 70 80 90 47.6
Utilized fodder Mt/DM/yr 1363616.1 916162.8 133381.8 2413160.7
Based on [20] Pande, 1994; [21] Pande, 1997.

4.3 Nutritive Value of Pastures
The nutritive value of the pasture depends on vegetation type and season of availability. The pasture produced in the lower zone is less nutritious and tends to be matured earlier compared to the alpine pastures. The alpine pastures are very nutritious. The average CP content is found 10.5 percent [12] Dhaubhadel and Tiwari, 1992). Most of the migratory herd gain weight and the breeding take place while grazing on the alpine pastures. The nutritive value of the alpine pastures is presented in (Table 7)

Table 7: Nutritive value of the alpine pastures (Nutrients in %)
Nutrients August September Mean
Dry Matter (DM) 16.1 16.1 16.1
Crude Protein (CP) 10.9 9.5 10.5
Crude Fat (CF) 1.4 1.8 1.6
Total ash 5.5 7.1 6.3
ADF 35.7 38.6 37.2
Organic matter 94.7 92.9 93.8
Nitrogen 1.74 1.52 1.63
Source: [12] Dhaubhadel and Tiwari (1992)

Calculation of DM and CP percentage of the natural alpine pastures: The alpine pastures remain most succulent and nutritious during the months of June to September. During these period, the DM percent is less than 25 and CP percent is in the peak. As the plant mature percentage of DM increases and reaches up to 80 percent during the months of February [15] Shrestha, et al ,1990 (Table 8).

Table 8: Monthly variation of DM and CP % of the alpine pastures
Months DM % CP %
January 70 -
February 80 -
March 67 -
May 40 11.6
June 30 12.7
July 22 14.4
August 22 14.0
September 25 -
October 30 12.4
November 34 12.8
December 46 8.6
Source: [15] Shrestha, et al ,1990

5.0 Stocking Rate and Carrying Capacity
Most of the available land resources are over stocked beyond its carrying capacity. Carrying capacity and stocking rate vary within the region. There is a lack of systematic study to evaluate carrying capacity of grazing areas for different stocks for the different ecological belts of Nepal. Alirol (1979) estimated that the carrying capacity is 1.4 LU/ha for Kalinchok region [5} Alirol, 1979. Whereas Archer estimated that the carrying capacity for the high altitude regions are no more than 0.06 LU/ha/yr [6] Archer 1987. In the recent study at Terhathum district, Eastern Nepal (elevation 1500-2900m) Shrestha et al estimated that the carrying capacity is 1.7 adult cattle/ha [15] Shrestha et al 1990 (Table-9)

Table 9: Number of Livestock per Unit of Land
Description Ecological belt Nepal
Mountains Hills Terai
Livestock # 24,31,237 92,97,569 55,91,327 1,73,20,133
Livestock unit (LU) 6,25,558.1 28,27,049.8 18,74,270.0 53,26,877.9
Total land (TL) 51,86,180.8 61,52,459.9 34,09,862.5 1,47,48,503.2
LU/TL 0.12 0.46 0.55 0.36
Agricultural land (AL) 4,80,171.9 19,55,836.6 15,74,548.1 40,10,556.6
LU/AL 1.3 1.45 1.19 1.33
Rangelands (RL)(ha) 10,82,232.0 5,45,334.9 74,100.9 17,01,607.8
LU/RL 0.58 5.18 25.29 3.13
Carrying capacity of rangelands 0.96 0.8 0.68 0.90
Forest land (FL) 14,87,790.1 32,15,969.6 16,02,683.3 63,06,443.0
LU/FL 0.42 0.88 1.17 0.84
Carrying capacity of forest 0.93 0.85 0.68 0.82
Source: Livestock Population: [22] CBS, 2207; Agricultural, rangeland, forest land: [1] LRMP, 1988.

Most of the rangelands are over stocked beyond its carrying capacity and are severely grazed out. The stocking rate on agricultural land is probably highest in the world. Based on standard livestock unit (LU: 400 kg body weight [23] Rajbhandary, HB and Shah SG). Overall stocking rate on total land area is 0.36 LU per ha of total land. Similarly, on agricultural land the stocking rate is 1.33. The stocking rate is highest in Middle belt compared to Southern and Northern belt. Theoretical calculation of the stocking rate reveals that compared to the total landmass of Nepal and/or agricultural land only the stocking rate is relatively high on rangelands resources. Mean stocking rate is 3.1 LU per ha of rangelands. As the rangelands in the Southern belt is minimal the stocking rate is very high i.e. 25.3 LU.
Compared to the stocking rate the carrying capacity of these grazing areas are very low. Overall stocking rate on rangelands resources is 3.5 times high. In the Middle belt the stocking rate is over 37 times high. Contrary to the Southern and Middle belt the stocking rate in Northern belt is less than carrying capacity. It is mainly due to the abundance of rangelands and low population of livestock.
The differences in the estimates of the carrying capacity might be due to the measures used to quantify the carrying capacity. However, all the data presented above are estimates and most of the data represents certain regions only. The relatively high carrying capacity of the grazing areas reported by Shrestha et al might be due to good management because the grazing lands were privately owned.

6.0 Rangelands Management
Indigenous techniques for the rangelands management is exist in Nepal but the techniques are not keeping pace with the increased livestock population and by the closure of Tibetan rangelands for Nepalese migratory herds.
In the traditional system of rangelands management only resting and burning have been adopted. However, due to high grazing pressure and lack of responsibility for managing the community pastures, most of the rangelands are in deterioration conditions. The rangelands could be more productive by their judicious utilization through proper management.

6.1 Range improvements:
Till now only 0.5 % of the total grazing lands of the high altitude districts have been improved [20; 21] 2[Pande, 1994; Pande 1997). The regular pasture improvement programmes should be continued to cover much more areas of indigenous rangelands.

6.1.1 Incorporation of legume into the existing sward:
Legume components in the natural rangelands of Nepal are negligible. Incorporation of the legume such as clover in the natural rangelands, not only increase the productivity and the quality of the pastures by supplying more DM and improving the nutritional quality but also improves the soil fertility level through fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Archer reported that by broadcasting white clover into the natural grazing areas of Himalayan region DM production increased by three folds compared to the existing productivity level [6] Archer 1990.
6.1.2 Improvement of Physical Facilities:
Most of the rangelands are difficult and inaccessible due to the lack of proper trails, bridges. The mule trails and bridges on river, rivulet should be constructed. Drinking water tank should be erected to facilitate the drinking water to the livestock. Drinking water facilities:
The source of water for drinking to the grazing herds is only streams or lakes in Nepal. There are no artificial facilities provided for the stocks especially at high altitude regions of Nepal. Most of these resources are located far from the grazing grounds. Most of the vegetation near the watering source is severely grazed and degraded. An optimum distribution of the watering points over the rangelands helps in proper utilization of vegetation. Under the Northern Belt Pasture Development Programme over 41 drinking water facilities were constructed during the project period. Provision of Mule trails and Bridges:
The rangelands should be easily accessible by the grazing stock. There should be proper trails for easy access and bridges to cross the river and rivulets. Most of the rangelands are located at high altitude regions, which are inaccessible due to the lack of trail and bridges to cross the river/rivulets. It is estimated that over 40 percent of the rangelands of high altitude regions are inaccessible. Under the Northern Belt Pasture Development Program over 39 mule trails have been constructed during the project periods. Clearing of undesirable bushes:
The removal of undesirable and non-palatable species from rangelands is the most important step towards range improvements. Most of the rangelands are fully covered with undesirable species such as Eupatorium spp. Eradication of such bushes and weeds provides a chance for the desirable species to flourish and utilize the available nutrients and moisture. The bush free rangelands provided five times more fodder compared to the bushy rangelands. If the area is located on a slope the bushes and the shrubs should not be exposed at once. Otherwise the topsoil will be washed away due to increased run off. The undesirable shrubs of the sloppy areas should be removed in strip gradually. In the steppe region such as Mustang the native bushes should be protected as much as possible. They are the major source for moisture conservation in this arid zone. Basnyat recommended that such bushes should be protected and the improved pasture seed should be sown inside the bushes [13] Basnyat (1988).

6.1.3 Opening new Rangelands/Use of unutilised community pasture areas:
Most of the accessible grazing areas at high altitude region are over exploited and most of the palatable species are detriment. The dominant species are unpalatable grasses and weeds. Approximately 42 % of the grazing areas are still unutilised, due to steepness and unavailability of drinking water. There is an immediate need to open these pasturelands.

6.1.4 Use of Fertilization:
Application of fertilizer in the existing pastures is the effective and quick means to improve the productivity and the vegetational composition of the natural rangelands. But in the Nepalese contest to use fertilizer especially in pastures will be highly costly and uneconomical. Most of the rangelands of Nepal are low in Nitrogen fertilizer. By the use of Nitrogen fertilizer the productivity of the grasses species could be tripled. Grasses are more responsive to fertilizer application compared to the legumes or forbs. For legume species inoculation and the use of Phosphatic fertilizer is recommended. However, the compost and the dung’s should be used to increase the productivity of the pastures. There is a lack of systematic study to evaluate the increased productivity of the native pastures by the use of fertilizers in the natural conditions. However, the trial conducted in the cultivated condition using exotic as well as native species revealed the good response of fertilizer to the production of the fodder. Pandey et al (1990) found that by the use of FYM @ 8 mt/ha as a basal dose to Rye grass and Cocksfoot cultivars at Jiri condition the fodder yield was increased by 20 % compared to the non fertilized conditions. Similarly, tiller density and the plant height were also increased due to manuring [19] Pandey et al (1990) (Table 10.).

Table 10: Effects of FYM on DM production and tiller density
Description Treatment Ruanui (1) Khumal (1)* Wana (2)* Curie (2)*
DM yield (mt/ha) FYM, 8mt/ha 12.5 7.4 6.5 3.6
FYM, 0 10.1 6.5 5.9 2.6
Plant Den city tiller/sq m FYM, 8mt/ha 4512 1632 2608 1632
FYM, 0 4192 1360 2000 1056
Plant height(cm) FYM, 8mt/ha 26.5 28.9 15.8 14.1
FYM, 0 21.9 27.9 11.9 10.5
Note: 1= Cultivars of Lolium perenne; 2= Cultivars of Dactylis glomerata
Source: Adapted from [19] Pandey et al (1990)

6.1.5 Use of Irrigation:
Moisture is the major limiting factor for the better establishment as well as the performance of the natural vegetation especially of the herbaceous species. Irrigation of the rangelands could improve the productivity. The DM production of the Medicago falcata in the irrigated orchard in Mustang districts was found 2494 kg DM/ha compared to 93 kg DM/ha in the open rain-fed grazing lands at the altitude of 3610 m [14] (Kandel et al. (1988).

6.2 Adoption of proper grazing management:
Livestock is the core factor to the rangeland management. The major cause of poor conditions of pastures is due to overstocked livestock and its husbandry system. There is a lack of proper grazing management practices adopted by the farmers and/or at government level. Most of the newly established pastures are over grazed and are in deteriorating conditions. Most of the palatable species fail to bear the seeds and ultimately eliminated from the grazing lands. Following practices should be used for proper grazing management:

6.2.1 Stall feeding:
Stall feeding should be encouraged. The traditionally practised “cut and carry" method should be extensively carried out for the better use of fodder. This would also allow the opportunity to the plants to regenerate and therefore permits continued sustained production. Stall feeding practices control the overgrazing of natural feed resources as well as it increases the collection of dung’s and urine which ultimately improves the soil fertility status of soil. However, in Nepalese conditions where feed deficits is a major problem, the stall fed animals may not get the adequate feed and suffers more with mal nutrition and starvation compared in scavenger grazing and can pick up anything edible.

6.2.2 Closing of the rangelands from the grazing animals:
Due to the continuous grazing of the natural pastures not only lowered the productivity but also caused the lower plant density per unit of lands. Closing the rangeland for grazing animals could provide the opportunity for natural seeding and propagation. However, it requires long period. The practice is quite useful and productive however, it could not be implemented under Northern Belt Pasture Development Programme (NBPDP) due to the lack of people's participation. By providing resting or closing of the natural grazing areas through fencing the relative plant density and the productivity of the pastures increased significantly. For example in the Ghami Village Alt 3740 m the biomass production in the open grazing lands was 76.8 kg DM/ha whereas DM production within the fenced area was 158.0 kg/ha. The major plant species were Pennisetum, Chrysopogon, Caragana spp and others ([14] Kandel et al. 1988). Similarly, Singh et al. reported that within the three months period of time in Jumla areas alt 2800 masl the total number of plant count was increased by 65 % in the open grazing lands. The total number of plant was 1291 in the open area where as in the caged conditions the total plant count was 1976 [11] (Singh et al, 1990) . Similarly the green matter yield was increased by 76 percent (Table 11).

Table 11: Plant species, plant # and GM yield in caged and uncaged conditions
Description Caged Uncaged
Total plant species 32 24
Total number of plant 1976 1291
Green matter yield (mt/ha) 4.9 3.7
Source: 11] (Singh et al, 1990)

Grazing or browsing by livestock directly effects on species composition and productivity of the grassland vegetation. Livestock are selective grazier; exhibit preferences for different types of plants for their food [24; 25] (Pande, 1990; 1991). Some species are very palatable and selectively grazed out such as pasture legumes. When the grazing pressure is increased or there is a lack of good pasture on the sites, livestock graze on less palatable species. At the higher grazing pressure, the plants are heavily defoliated which could be detrimental to the plant survival. Most of the rangelands available in Nepal are under heavy grazing pressure, and are over grazed, deteriorated conditions and are dominated with unwanted species and weeds. Closing of the rangelands to preserve the plant diversity as well as the productivity is the effective means [27] Pariyar, 1990. Study conducted at Jumla revealed that the number of plant species and plant cover as well as biomass production was higher at the closed site compared to the open site. Similarly when the rangeland was closed for a long period resulted in the increase in number of plant species and fodder yield [26] Morrison, 1991. (Table 12).

Table 12: Effect of Long Term Closure on Plant species and Fodder Yield
Description No. of Plant Species Fodder Yield (mt DM/ha)
Open Grasslands 13 0.97
Two years closure 22 3.83
Five years closure 26 4.43
Long term closure 38 5.61
Source: Adapted from [26] Morrison, 1991.

Due to browsing most of the new seedling of plant and shrubs may inhibit growth and die. Livestock also effects on environment degradation and loss of bio diversity through trampling on ground and camping.

7.0 Major challenges on rangeland development/management:
 Ownership/Users’ right on rangelands? Traditionally the rangelands were/have been under the control of some “elites” and were/have been collecting grazing fees “Kharchauri” from the herders. Since the emergence of the community forestry concept and the formation of FUGs in most of the VDCs the “Users Right” has been transferred to the FUGs, that created some conflict/confusion e.g. in Bagam/Chhagam ([28] Pande, 2005); [29] Miller, D.J. 1993
 Basic information on rangelands? The basic information on the rangelands is virtually, nil e.g. altitudes, aspects, area, pasture composition, biomass production, seasonality of growth and utilisation). Moreover, traditionally the community managed rangelands are recognised by its traditional names and nominal signs e.g. river, hills, lake etc rather than a physical boundary, overlap of the area, boundaries is quite common, which may cause conflict between the users as well as create management problems
 Responsibility of the rangelands management? Most of rangelands are over utilised due to continuous grazing and are in deteriorating conditions. The pasturelands are dominated with unwanted weeds and poisonous bushes. It is estimated that the accessible pasturelands are considered to produce only 25 per cent of its potential.
 Deteriorating conditions of associated forests: Oak tree foliage is sole diet for the livestock especially during winter season. Most of the oak trees are heavily lopped out and ceased the ability of reproduction. To promote regeneration of oak trees through protection of mother plants has initiated but its impact and its success is not apparent. Similarly, extensive rhododendron forest especially above 3,000 m altitude has been burned annually to expand the pasturelands and to induce faster growth of pastures, which threatens the existing of dwarf rhododendron forest as well as existing of flora and fauna.
 Infrastructural facilities: In most of the community pasturelands the infrastructure facilities e.g. drinking water, sheds for herders and young animals, conditions of trail, condition of bridges in river/rivulets is very poor. Moreover, every year herder cuts young trees to renovate their sheds as well as for burning/cooking their meals, which deteriorates the forest resources.
 Remoteness of the Rangelands area: The Himalayan regions (above 2,000 masl) where the extensive rangelands are found, are characterized by higher degradation of natural resources, low agricultural productivity, poverty driven migration, limited education, poor health care facilities and less income generation opportunities. These areas are lagged behind in terms of accessibility, available resources, infrastructures & physical facilities.
 Provision/use of grazing fees: Traditionally the community pasturelands were/have been under the control of some “elites” and were/have been collecting “grazing fees” locally called “Kharchauri” from the herders. Since the emergence of the community forestry (CF) concept and the formation of Forest Users Group (FUG) in most of the Village Development Committees the “Users Right” has been transferred to the FUGs that created some conflict/confusion.
 Is it possible to manipulate/extend pasture utilisation period? : Most of rangelands above 3,000 masl are utilised by the migratory herds during summer (June to August) only though the stay could be stretched up to September until the snow fall commence. Rest of the period the herds remain in lower/winter pastures grazing on oak forest at around 2,000 m altitude. Length of the stay of the herds directly correlated with utilisation pattern; longer the stay of herds in lower/winter pastures maximal the rate of utilisation/deterioration of the oak forest. Interventions need to explore the ways to prolong the stay/ utilisation period of upper/high altitude pastures aiming to minimise the additional pressure in winter pasture/oak forest?
 Co-relation between stocking rate vs carrying capacity? The number of livestock tends to more compare to its carrying capacity. Reduction in herd size by increasing the productivity of individual animal is a common solution proposed by the so-called planner (?) (As the livestock is a status symbol in rural society and seems continued in near future? So, whether try to reduce the number of herd size or should try to improve the forage supply situation to match the demand in a sustainable manner?)
 Livestock types and numbers: The major livestock in these areas are cattle, Yak, Chauri, sheep, goats and other animals. The livestock are raised under migratory systems. The number of livestock is beyond the carrying capacity of rangelands. On the other hand types of livestock are also disproportionate e.g. the number of goat population far more than sheep and the goats are considered as a destroyer of the vegetation. Most of the herders’ keep only breeding male (to minimise cost of rearing of the stud and avoid unnecessary competition/fighting between the males). Moreover, the breeding male selected from the same progeny of the same parental stock in all types of animals except Yaks. Consequently, the genetic potentiality of the herds deteriorates and the performance of the animals in terms of milk and growth decreases/decreasing.
 Reasonable herd size: Most of the herders are reluctant to reduce the herd size; herders are concerned more about quantity rather then quality; keeping large herd reduces the risk of failure in livestock rearing business; as the incidence of diseases and casualty of animals is high and animals are low producing, keeping large herds minimise the risk. The average size of “Goth” (Herd) in migratory systems ranges from 200-300 heads of animals only comprising 4-6 farmers/households; larger herds are unmanageable and incidence during transferring of “Goth” and grazing could be fatal: as the mule trails are too narrow for travelling the larger herds). So, there is restriction also to from the management point.
 Fate of the Chauri calves/cruelty of animals: Most of new born Chauri calves are forced to death (starved and/or over feeding of whey) - within first week of their age, mainly to save the milk yield as well as the hybrid-born calves are less important in terms of milk production .
 Differed grazing behaviours of animals: During the migratory process the sheep/goats herds first moves toward alpine pastures earlier than Chauri. The grazing behaviour of these animals varies with each other and ability to utilise the available feed resources also differ among them. For example, goats prefer browsing than grazing compared to either sheep or cattle, which could affect the pasture management.
 Conventional breeding practices/one stud services: Most of the herders’ keep only breeding male (to minimise cost of rearing of the stud and avoid unnecessary competition/fighting between the males). Moreover, the breeding male selected from the same progeny of the same parental stock in all types of animals except Yaks. Consequently, the genetic potentiality of the herds deteriorates and the performance of the animals in terms of milk and growth decreases/decreasing.
 Community Awareness: Awareness towards the improved forage cultivation practices has been created need to be expended in wider scale to mitigate the shortage feeds and fodder and to save the oak forest.
 Support Services: Veterinary, credit services: Most of community people have less access to veterinary services, credit facilities, cold storage/chilling centres etc.
 Extension/expansion of forage cultivation practices: Awareness towards the improved forage cultivation practices have been created, which needs to be expended in wider scale to mitigate the shortage feeds and fodder and to save the oak forest.
 Training and education: The training peoples either farmers or staff lack proper training in pasture production and livestock management. iv) Technical staff: There is a shortage of technical staff in the field of pasture and fodder development. Whatever the staff are available they are reluctant to serve in remote district.
 Product Diversification: So far, Chauri are mainly used for milk and sheep/goats for meat but most of the farmer’s milch sheep and goats and consume locally and/or convert into curd or ghee (generally not for sale and no market outside). Most of the unwanted species/ weeds for herders could have economic value e.g. Androsace species.
 Pollution/environmental degradations: In Himalayan regions scattered piece of bottles, plastic bags and others are quite common.
 Role and status of women and school going kids involved in livestock farming: Most of the work related to milching, “Chhurpi” making are done by women (interesting, milking Chauri is the prime job of women only). Most of the time young girls/women compelled to live alone in an isolated shed with the animals, and school going kids also seen frequently with chauri herds
 Outward migration: Most of the working youth are abandoning the homestead, sometimes with whole family members either in Kathmandu and/or India/Overseas to explore the alternative opportunities for more income.
 Invasion of rangelands: Rangelands are national property utilized by community people since time immemorial. There is a lack of responsibility towards protection and conservation especially at community level. Occupation and invasion of rangelands for personal use has been increasing recently. The high altitude rangelands around the vicinity of the villages are gradually converted into the orchard and/or crop-fields. It was estimated that about 10 % of the community lands are annually used for this purpose in Jumla, Dolpa and Jajarkot districts. Some of the natural pasturelands and other common lands are invaded by some of the “elites” for the personal use; every body realise it but no body dares to oppose/raise voice against it?
 People's participation: Peoples are reluctant to invest time and money for improvement of government/ community rangelands even for their own use.
 Research and extension: There is a lack of research work on native pasture production and management system especially in Northern belt region. Similarly, diversified use of unwanted species/weeds of community pasturelands as most of the unwanted species/ weeds for herders could have economic value e.g. Androsace species.
 Whether to conserve the native pasture species and/or replace by exotic? The native pasture species though hardy in nature but are lower in terms of DM yield, feed value and persists for shorter period compared to the exotic species. One the other hand, introduction of exotic species could be a threat to the bio-diversity conservation (e.g. white clover found all over the native pasturelands up to 3000m). Moreover, testing of exotic genetic materials has been initiated into the native pasturelands at different zone
 Government rules and regulations: Government rules regulations of the ownership and renovation/management of natural pasturelands are conflicting/ confusing between and within the organisations e.g. National Parks/ Wildlife Reserves in Buffer Zone.
 High cost of development: Improvements of rangelands are expensive and time-consuming programme. Due to lack of adequate budget and resources pasture improvement activities are low prioritised under GON programme.
 Recycling of manures: The heaps of manures found close to the sheds in the alpine pasturelands and most of its nutrients go unutilised
 Existence of oak forest threatened: Oak foliage is sole diet for the livestock especially during winter season. Most of the oak trees are heavily lopped out and ceased the ability of reproduction. To promote regeneration of oak trees through protection of mother plants has initiated but its impact and its success is not apparent. Similarly, extensive rhododendron forest especially above 3,000 m altitude has been burned annually to expand the pasturelands and to induce faster growth of pastures, which threatens the existing of dwarf rhododendron forest as well as existing of flora and fauna.
 Feed/nutritive value of forage: The information on feed value of native pastures and browse foliage is lacking. Some of the plants considered to contain anti-nutritional factors e.g. presence of tannins in oak foliage
 Traditional vs. improved livestock management practices: The traditional migratory system of livestock farming is becoming less attractive due to the shortage of feeds/fodder, high cost of production, hardship, lack of labour force etc. The profit margin or return of the investments especially in case of Chauri production is very low. The potential Chauri farmers are lured towards the money lending business rather than Chauris farming by them. To make the Chauri farming occupation more attractive? Is a challenge? Some of the dairy farmers of have developed a unique strategy to escape from the dry buffaloes (non-lactating stage), they sale the dry animal (to escape from the cost to rearing until the next parturition), and purchase new lactating buffalo to continue their dairy business as most of the dry buffaloes go to meat market and thus shortage of dairy buffaloes remains chronic problem (e.g. a case seen in Kabhrepalanchok district).
 Supply/production of planting materials (seeds, saplings etc): Promotion of on-farm forage production and the renovation of the native pasturelands requires/demand a huge quantity of planting materials, but the domestic production is limited

8. Conclusion/Summary:
The livelihood of the high Himalayan people depends of livestock farming. The acute shortage of pasturing are compelling the local especially Sherpa people to abandon the traditional systems of agriculture and forced to engage on alternative options of livelihoods such as tourism and work as a seasonal porter and/or migrate to other countries such as India and/or overseas. The deteriorating situations of the rangelands have created depletion of environment conservation, loss of biodiversity, threat to the rear wildlife and affect on major watershed areas of the southern Asia. The closure of Tibetan pasturelands for Nepalese herds and termination of government implemented northern belt pastureland improvement programmes have worsen the situation. Immediate attention is needed to improve the pasture production, productivity and conservation of native animals in the Himalayan regions of Nepal with strong people's participation.

9. References:
 [1] LRMP: Land Resource Mapping Project (main Report), Land Resource Mapping Project, HMG/ Nepal, 1986.
 [2] Forestry Master Plan for the Forestry Sector, Nepal, Ministry of Forest and soil Conservation, HMG/Nepal, 1989;
 [3] MFSC, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, 2006.
 [4] Livestock Master Plan : Livestock Master Plan. HMG/N; ADB/ANZDEC/APROSC. Kathmandu, 1993.
 [5] Alirol, Ph. 1979. Transhuming Animal husbandry system in the Kalinchowk Region (Central Nepal) , Swiss Association of Technical Assistance, Kathmandu.
 [6] Archer, A.C. Himalayan pasture and fodder Research Network, Consultant Report, RAS/79/121/FAO., 1987.
 [7] Archer, A.C. Department of Livestock services Pasture and Fodder Development in the High Altitude Zone Project Nepal (Nep /85/007). Project Findings and recommendations, FAO Rome., 1990 .
 [8] FAO, Pasture and Fodder Development in High Altitude Zone, Nepal Terminal Report. Nepal, 1990.
 [9] Grela, A. and Sharma, K.P. 1991. Observation of Grassland Productivity in Khumbu, Nepal. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop of the Himalayan Pasture and Fodder Research Network, Regional Seminar, 13-19 November, Palampur, India.
 [10] Dhaubhadel, T.S., Tiwari, B.N. 1992. Botanical Composition of High Himalayan Pasture and the Evaluation of its nutritive value at Rohum alpine pasture, Kaski. Working Paper No. 92/4. Lumle Regional Agricultural Centre, Pokhara.
 [11] Singh, S.B.; Joshi, N.P.; Tiwari, K.R.; Gurung, N.K and Dongol,D.R. 1990. Evaluation of native and exotic pasture species at Gothichaur sheep farm, Jumla. Paper presented at the Regional Seminar on High Altitude Pasture Research in the Himalayan Range, March 20-24, 1990 Kathmandu.
 [12] Department of Medicinal Plants. 1976. Flora of Langtang & Cross Vegetation Survey (Central Zone). HMG, Department of Medicinal Plants, Thapathali, Kathmandu.
 [13] Basnyat, N.B. 1988. Report on pasture and rangeland resiources in upper Mustang. Consultant's Report. NEP/85/007.FAO/ UNDP Project, Pasture and Fodder DEvelopment in the High Altitude Zone, Nepal.
 [14] Kandel, R.N; Adhikary, J.R; Aryal, K.P; Ghimire, K.B. 1988. Survey of Mustang. High Altitude Pasture Survey Group, Khumaltar, Nepal.
 [15] Shrestha, N.P.; Neopane, S.P.; Gurung, H.B.; Pakhrin, B. and Shrestha, J. 1990. Observation on the adaptibility and seed production of forage legumes at Pakhribas agricultural Centre. PAC Technical paper No. 126. Pakhribas Agricultural Centre, Kathmandu.
 [16] FAO, Pasture and Fodder Development at High Altitude Zone, Terminal Report, FAO, Rome, 1990.
 [17] Wiart, J. 1983. Ecosysteme villageois traditionnel en Himalaya nepalais. La production ferestiere suffitelle aux besoins de la population? University Grenoble I, pp 267.
 18] Paudyal, D; Bauer, J.J. 1988.A survey of wildlife, grasslands and Pastoral Systems of the Upper Hinku and Hongu Valleys – Nepal. DNPW Co. Nep 85/011.
 [19] Panday, S.B., grela. A., raut,Y. and Joshi, N.D. 1990. Performance of different temperate grass and legume species. II. Comperative growth performance of different cultivars of red and white clover under three fertilizer treatments. Nep. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 7 53-60.
 [20] Pande, R.S.: Livestock Feeds and Grassland Development in Nepal. National Forage and Grassland Research Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1994.
 [21] Pande, R.S.: Fodder and pasture development in Nepal. Udaya Research and Development Services (P) Ltd, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1997.
 [22] CBS, Statistical Pocket Book Nepal, 2007. Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal, 2007.
 [23] Rajbhandary, HB and Shah SG, Trends Projection of Livestock Production the Hills of Nepal. Seminar on Nepal Experience in Hill Agriculture Development, HMG, Nepal 1981.
 [24] Pande, R.S. 1990: Feed value of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis) for goats and preferential browsing activities by goats and sheep in multi species shrub/pasture conditions. M.AgrSc, Thesis, Massey University, New Zealand.
 [25] Pande, R.S. 1991: Role of browse shrub/trees as animal feed in Nepal. Proceedings of the First National Animal Science Convention, Jan 14-15, 1991, Kathmandu.
 [26] Morrison, J. 1991. Himalayan Pasture and Fodder Research Network Project: Projects Findngs and Recommendations, .RAS 79/121, FAO, Rome.
 [27] Pariyar, D. 1990. Fodder and pasture seed requirement and supply arrangements. Proceedings of Second National Seed Seminar, March 20-22, 1990, Kathmandu. Ministry of Agriculture, National Seed Board, Kathmandu.
 [28] Pande, RS: “Pro-poor Community Forage Production Programme in the Nepal Australia Community Resource Management and Livelihoods Project, Nepal” Proceedings of the Workshop on Fodder Oats, Fodder Technology Packages and Small Farm Income Generation. TCP/NEP/2901-Capacity Building for Fodder Oat Technologies in Nepal and sixth meeting of the Temperate Asia Pasture and Fodder Network, FAO 8-11 March 2005.
 [29] Miller, D.J. 1993. Grazing lands in the Nepal Himalaya: present and Potential Economic Returns to Range livestock Production in High Elevation Areas. Draft Final Report, USAID, Kathmandu.
10. Acknowledgement:
The author would like to acknowledge Dr David hemming (TL, Biotech), CABI organisation for his continual encouragement as well as valuable comments to prepare this review in the present form.

20. Preference of goats and sheep for browse species under field conditions

20. Preference of goats and sheep for browse species under field conditions
R. S. Pande* P. D. Kemp† J. Hodgson

(Published in: New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 2002, Vol. 45: 97–102
0028–8233/02/4502–0097 $7.00/0 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 2002 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research

The preference of goats and sheep for browse species in mixed browse and pasture conditions in New Zealand was determined using 6 goats and 6 sheep observed for 2-h periods on 6 occasions between February and December. The goats and sheep were given free access to established nurseries. The 2 nurseries contained 6 types of leguminous shrubs, 3 non-leguminous shrub species, and 2 erect grass species, growing in rows with a grass-dominant temperate pasture. Preference was determined with an index that took into account the proportion of browsing observations and the relative abundance of each browse species. Goats browsed in 45% and sheep in 12% of the observations. The three most preferred species for goats and sheep were the same, but the order of preference differed. The overlap coefficient for all browse species (where 0 = no overlap and 1 = identical diets) ranged from 0.47 in winter to 0.79 in summer. The results are contrasted with those from a cafeteria-style indoor experiment that used the same browse and animal species.

Keywords grazing ecology; goats; sheep; browsing; preference; diet selection; browse species

Grazing animals continuously discriminate between vegetation types and plant parts (Hodgson 1986). Such activity is usually greater under range conditions and maximal when animals are browsing (Van Soest 1982). Goats are regarded as more efficient users of browse than sheep (Van Soest 1982; Devendra & Burns 1983), but scant information is available on the preference of goats and sheep for the browse species commonly available in New Zealand. Lambert et al. (1989a) compared the preference of goats and sheep for a range of browse species in a cafeteria-style indoor experiment. The multi-species nurseries used to provide the browse material in the experiment by Lambert et al. (1989a) were used in the field experiment reported here, which was designed to study the preference for browse species and the browsing activity of goats and sheep on field sites with multiple browse and pasture species available.

The experiment was carried out at the Ballantrae Hill Research Station, AgResearch Grasslands, (175°50E, 40°18S, 150 m a.s.l.), 20 km from Palmerston North, New Zealand. Observations took place at intervals from February 1989 to December 1989 inclusive.

Plant species
There were two established nurseries each containing 10 different browse species, with two forms of gorse (Table 1). Short spine gorse is an ecotype with shorter spines and a denser bush than typically found on gorse. The browse species were 3–4 years of age and grown in hedges consisting of 5–8 plants per hedge. The hedges were usually 5 m long and were between 0.4 and 1.7 m high. At each nursery, hedges of short spine gorse, black locust, and ceanothus appeared only once and hedges of †Author for correspondence. the other eight browse species were replicated three times.

Table 1 Browse species in the nurseries.
Common name Scientific name
Chamaecytisus palmensis (Christ) Bisby et K.Nicholls
Broom Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link.
Tree medic Medicago arborea L.
Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia L.

Gorse Ulex europaeus L.
Short spine gorse Ulex europaeus L.
Tauhinu Ozothamnus leptophyllus (G.Forst.) Breitw. et J.M.Ward
Ceanothus Ceanothus griseus (Trel.) McMinn
Manuka Leptospermum scoparium J.R. et G.Forst.
Erect grasses
Toetoe Cortaderia fulvida (Buchanan) Zotov
Pampas Cortaderia selloana (Schult. et Schult.f.) Asch. et Graebn.

Main pasture species growing underneath the browse species were browntop (Agrostis capillaris), crested dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus), and white clover (Trifolium repens).

Six dry, angora-cross female goats and 6 dry, pure Romney female sheep were used. The animals were 17 months of age at the start of the experiment, and the mean body weight was 18.2 ± 0.4 kg and 43.5 ± 1.1 kg for goats and sheep, respectively. The animals were kept overnight in an adjacent shearing shed prior to each observation period, and provided with water but no feed, to encourage feeding during the observation period. The previous grazing experiences of the animals were on hill pastures.

Table 2 Animal observation and nursery schedule.
Observation date (1989) Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Season
22 Feb sheep goats summer
23 Mar goats sheep autumn
27 Apr sheep goats autumn
23 May sheep goats winter
22 Jun goats sheep winter
24 Nov goats sheep summer

The goats and sheep were allowed free choice of all plant species in their allocated nursery. Each observation period was 2 h (10.00–12.00 h) starting from release of the animals into the nurseries.Observation dates were scheduled to cover summer, autumn, and winter seasons, and were arranged in a sequence of approximately 4-week intervals between 22 February and 22 June 1989, with a final observation on 24 November 1989. The animal species were alternated between nurseries (Table 2).
The preferences of the goats and sheep for browse species were quantified on the basis of the animal activities; browsing, grazing, and idling. The interval sampling technique was used to record animal activities at 2-minute intervals (Hodgson 1982). A shearing shed about 200 m from the nurseries was used as the observation post so as to minimise the influence of the observer on animal activities (Jamieson & Hodgson 1979). Distribution of the browsing activities in relation to the arrangement of the browse species in each nursery and the defoliation of plant parts are described in detail in Pande (1990).
The preference of goats and sheep for the individual browse species was adjusted for both the difference in the proportion of time spent browsing by goats and sheep, and the different abundance of the browse species. These adjustments were made by calculating, for each nursery, the proportion of browsing observations (PBO) each animal species spent browsing each browse species, and by calculating the relative abundance value (RAV) for each browse species. The RAV for each replicate of each browse species was calculated from the length, width, height, and density score of the plants in each hedge (Whittaker 1975). Density of the foliage of the browse plants was ranked visually from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

The PBO and RAV were used to calculate the browsing preference index (BPI) given below (see Pande 1990).

BPI = (PBOi/ RAVi/ ni=1 (PBOi/ RAVi )

An overlap coefficient (C) using the simplified Morisita Index (Horn 1966) was used to measure the overlap for preferred browse species between sheep and goats. The Cranges from 0 (no overlap) to 1 (identical diets).

C=2ni-1 Xi Yi/ni=1Xi +ni=1 Yi

Xi = PBO for animal species X, for browse species i
Yi = PBO for animal species Y, for browse species i.
The effect of animal species, browse species, nursery, and season and their interactions on RAV, PBO, and BPI were analysed with the SAS General Linear Model (SAS 1988).

Goats and sheep were browsing during 45 and 12% of observations, respectively (Table 3). Conversely, sheep grazed more often than goats (Table 3). Both animal species spent a similar time idling, but this was in 8% or less of all observations (Table 3). There was no significant effect of season on the observations of animal activities.

Table 3 The percentage of observations of animal activities in the categories of browsing, grazing, and idling, expressed as means for the six observation periods. NS, not significant; *, P < 0.05 for within row mean comparison
Animal activities Goats Sheep
Browsing 44.7 11.6*
Grazing 48.6 80.5
Idling 6.7 8.0 NS
SEM = ±1.3

Proportional browsing observations (PBO)
There was a significant effect of browse species on PBO, and the animal species by browse species interaction was also significant (P < 0.001; Pande 1990). The other main effects and interactions were not significant. Goats were observed to browse tree medic most often, whereas sheep most often browsed black locust (Table 4). Tree medic, black locust, tagasaste, and ceanothus were often browsed by both goats and sheep, whereas tauhinu, toetoe, and pampas were rarely browsed by either animal species (Table 4). Short spine gorse and gorse were regularly browsed by goats but more rarely by sheep (Table 4).

Table 4 The proportion of browsing observations (PBO), the relative abundance value (RAV), and the browsing preference index (BPI) for each browse species for goats and sheep over 1 year.
Species Goat Sheep
Tree medic 0.268 0.001 0.837 0.215 0.001 0.790
Short spine gorse 0.249 0.003 0.154 0.056 0.002 0.053
Black locust 0.178 0.007 0.066 0.398 0.013 0.149
Tagasaste 0.151 0.076 0.007 0.121 0.072 0.007
Ceanothus 0.092 0.042 0.006 0.125 0.044 0.007
Broom 0.048 0.059 0.003 0.093 0.058 0.014
Gorse 0.143 0.252 0.001 0.041 0257 0.002
Manuka 0.012 0.089 0.001 0.009 0.085 0.001
Tauhinu 0.002 0.111 0.000 0.013 0.107 0.001
Toetoe 0.006 0.176 0.000 0.018 0.175 0.001
Pampas 0.002 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.184 0.000
SEM 0.008 0.031 0.024 0.008 0.031 0.024

Relative abundance value (RAV)
The RAV of the browse species differed significantly (P < 0.0001). The RAV was unaffected by season, nursery, or animal species. The only significant interaction effect was nursery by browse species (P < 0.001), reflecting a difference in the number and hedge size of some browse species between nurseries (Pande 1990). The four most abundant browse species in terms of RAV were gorse, pampas, toetoe, and tauhinu, whereas tree medic, short spine gorse, and black locust were the least abundant (Table 4).

Browsing preference index (PBI)
The main effect of browse species on BPI was significant (P < 0.001), but the main effects of animal species, season, and nursery were not significant (Pande 1990). The nursery by browse species and the animal species by nursery by browse species interactions were significant (P < 0.001; Pande 1990). For both goats and sheep the greatest browsing preference, based on BPI, was for tree medic. Goats preferred short spine gorse and then black locust after tree medic, whereas sheep preferred black locust and then short spine gorse (Table 4). The two animal species were similar in their preference for the other browse species (Table 4).
The BPI gave different results for the preference of goats and sheep for some browse species than the PBO due to the differences in abundance as measured by RAV (Table 4). In particular, the PBO ranked gorse as the fifth most preferred browse species by goats, yet due to its high RAV gorse was ranked seventh using the BPI (Table 4). Similarly, black locust was the highest ranked browse species for sheep using the PBO but was ranked third using the BPI (Table 4).
Overlap coefficient (C)
The overlap coefficients for the preferred browse species by goats and sheep were 0.79 (November) and 0.71 (February) in summer, 0.62 (March) and 0.64 (April) in autumn, and 0.47 (May) and 0.58 (June) in winter, respectively. Hence, the greatest overlap between goats and sheep was in summer and the least in winter.
The results supported the view that goats are intermediate browsers and sheep are intermediate grazers (Van Soest 1982). Nevertheless, when only the browsing activity of the goats and sheep was considered there was a high degree of overlap on the preferred browse species. Both animal species showed the greatest preference for tree medic, short spine gorse, and black locust according to the BPI. Although the overlap coefficient (C) for goats and sheep was high, the degree of overlap was seasonally dependent. The availability of species such as black locust was lower in winter, and sheep were observed to browse ceanothus more in winter which suggests that the palatability of at least this species was seasonal.
The use of the PBI enabled the preference of goats and sheep for the individual browse species to be ranked independently of the differences in the abundance of the browse species. Although the most preferred species were the least abundant this appeared to be a coincidental result. The BPI, compared with using the proportion of PBO, gave a different preference ranking to some browse species, but the general trend was similar for both indices. The adjustment for the abundance of a browse species (RAV) affected the preference ranking of species like gorse and black locust, but largely demonstrated that tree medic, despite its low abundance, was the most preferred species. The BPI would appear to be a useful method for adjusting animal preference observations made on mixtures of browse species of varying abundance.
The browse species could be readily placed into one of three preference groups of high, moderate, and low preference for both animal species, although the ranking of individual browse species showed some variation between goats and sheep. The high preference group was tree medic, short spine gorse, and black locust, the moderate group comprised tagasaste, ceanothus, and broom, and members of the poor group were gorse, manuka, tauhinu, toetoe, and pampas. This ranking relates well to the digestibility of the browse species, with the notable exception of short spine gorse (Lambert et al. 1989b), but corresponds more poorly, especially for sheep, with the rankings obtained from a cafeteria-style indoor experiment (Lambert et al. 1989a).
Lambert et al. (1989b) reported the in vivo digestibility of tree medic, tagasaste, and black locust as being in the range 76–81%; ceanothus and broom 71–73%; short spine gorse, tauhinu, and gorse 63–67%; and manuka, toetoe, and pampas 47–48%. The high preference for short spine gorse by both goats and sheep in our experiment Pande et al.—Preference of goats and sheep for browse species 101 suggested that digestibility was not the only factor affecting its palatability.
Many factors such as digestibility, nutrient content, smell, taste, and physical properties (e.g., hairs, thorns) influence the palatability of plant species, and animal preference is also affected by factors such as access to and the availability of plant material (Crawley 1983). No attempt was made in this experiment to directly determine the factors that influenced animal preference though some observations can be made. The high digestibility of the most preferred browse species would have provided positive post-ingestive consequences to the sheep and goats, thereby reinforcing the animals’ preference (Bryant et al. 1991).
Additionally, tree medic, black locust, and short spine gorse are all legumes with consequent reasonable levels of protein. At least some of the browse species contained potentially toxic secondary metabolites, with manuka known to contain alkaloid and phenolic compounds (Corbett & McDowell 1958), but specific defence chemicals have not been isolated. The differences in physical structure between the browse species would have affected access to young leaves, and species such as gorse are spiny on the mature stems.
The high preference for gorse observed by Lambert et al. (1989a), as opposed to the poor preference in our experiment, was probably the result of the chopping process used by Lambert et al. (1989a) which may have improved the palatability of gorse through, for example, a decrease in its spiny nature, and, perhaps, poor access to young shoots of gorse in our experiment despite the relative abundance of the plants. Thus, the comparison between our outdoor experiment and the indoor experiment of Lambert et al. (1989a), both based on the same browse nurseries, highlighted the need to examine as many of the factors involved in animal preference as possible before conclusions can be drawn on the relative ranking of plant species.
Lambert et al. (1989a) concluded that goats had a greater preference for short spine gorse, manuka, and ceanothus than sheep, and that sheep had a greater preference than goats for broom and pampas. In our experiment goats also had a higher preference for short spine gorse than sheep, whereas sheep had a greater preference for black locust than goats. There were no significant differences in the preference by goats and sheep for individual browse species outside the three most highly preferred species, tree medic, short spine gorse, and black locust, but some of the trends were similar to the results of Lambert et al. (1989a). For example, sheep tended to show a greater preference for broom than goats, and both sheep and goats exhibited a low preference for tauhinu, toetoe, and pampas (cf. Lambert et al. 1989a).
One explanation for the greater browse preference differences between goats and sheep reported by Lambert et al. (1989a), compared with those reported here, is that Lambert et al. (1989a) always imposed choices between pairs of feeds, whereas in the present experiment all 11 browse species and types were always available. In the outdoor experiment animals were observed to mainly browse the most preferred species, thereby making it difficult to collect sufficient data on the least preferred species to detect possible preference differences between goats and sheep for these browse species. Lacher et al. (1982) also reported that when preferred browse species were available, less preferred species were either rejected or rarely consumed regardless of their abundance. Whether browsed by goats or sheep, a mixture of the browse species examined would be difficult to maintain if it contained highly and poorly preferred browse species. Low preference browse species would seem unlikely to be browsed even if more abundant than the highly preferred species.
R. S. Pande thanks Food and Agriculture Organisation and New Zealand Ministry of External Relations and Trade for financial support. The support of AgResearch in allowing the use of browse nurseries and experimental animals at Ballantrae Hill Station is gratefully acknowledged.
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